All English site:


Evangelistic and Spiritual Instruction materials by

Dewayne, Rita, and Antonio Shappley


2,500 plus Documents in Spanish

149 in English


A flat map of earth with lines showing Internet connections between countries.

An Internet interconnected world

From our computers to the Spanish-speaking world, with a growing amount
of materials for English-speaking populations.

Internet sites now the most important and productive outreach

YouTube (Videos)

Vimeo (Videos)

Facebook (Announcements of new titles. Videos)


As of August 1965, we completed 2 years and 9 months
of work in Aruba, Netherlands Antilles.

As of May 2, 2016, we completed, by the grace of God,
fifty years of work in Puerto Rico.

On May 5, 2016, we moved to Tamarac, Florida.

Here, our work continues as of 08 October 2024


[email protected]

561-569-9525 / 754-328-9927 / 728-207-2551

Overseeing congregation:

As of June 1, 2013 to the present, by the Elders of the Cairo, Tennessee Church of Christ.


From July 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013, by the Maury City Church of Christ,
Maury City, Tennessee
. Due to the resignation of the elders caused by pulpit minister problems, it
was thought best to seek another overseeing eldership. The Maury City Church has
continued its generous financial support for the works we have carried on
from 1966 to the present.


From May 2, 1966 through June 30, 2012, by the

Alamo Church of Christ, Church Street, Alamo, TN 38001

November 08, 2024

Site administrator: Homer Dewayne Shappley

Technical administrator: Antonio D Shappley

All rights reserved

After the Internet data, there are sections on the Production of materials
in Puerto Rico (28,300,665 tracts, booklets, books, Bible Course lessons,
cassettes, and compact disks), Known fruits of these resources
used throughout the Spanish-speaking world, and
in PDF beginning in 2008.


This graphic of a laptop in front of a globe of Earth and the word Internet introduces the section of Data for Internet Sites on the Stats Page for sites administered by Dewayne Shappley.


Data for the Internet sites:

Plus, videos downloaded on Vimeo, YouTube, and Facebook.

Data from June 24, 2012 to the present provided by Google Analytics.
This service does not show statistics for "Hits" or "Gigabytes downloaded."

Data previous to the date noted was provided by

Visitors to the site are from all over the Spanish-speaking world, and other countries
where Spanish-speaking people have gone to live.

188 countries represented in the year 2021.

Some records set thus far

YEAR of the most visits: 2018, with a total of 1,962,126.

Daily average for 2018: 5,376.


MONTH of the most visits: August 2019.

Total visits for the month: 202,044 (31 days).

Daily average: 6,480. 


Record number of Visits for one day:

8,936, on August 24, 2019.


Record number of Documents opened in one month:

344,860, for April, 2020.

In September 2020, Google implemented an algorithm which reduced the number
of visitors to millions of sites worldwide, including ours

In September 2023, Google implemented still another new algorithm, GA-4, which
has again reduced the number of visitors to an untold number of sites, including the
five sites Antonio and I have.

The challenge is to adapt older sites to the new search engine parameters,
including those for "Dynamic Sites" and "Dynamic Pages" that have come into widespread
use since about 2020.



Grand Totals


Grand Totals from January 1, 2003 through September 30, 2024

25,690,691 Sessions (Visits)

48,897,225 Documents accessed by visitors (Page Views)

Stats on Antonio's site of 172 hymns in Spanish for the years 2015 - 2023 were added to
the Grand Totals on 25 February 2024. I do not have stats on that site before 2015.




Year 2024 Totals on the Five Sites


Total visits from January 1 to September 30, 2024....................................................................................332,671

Daily average for the year 2024...........................................................................1,214

Total of documents (pages) accessed by visitors).............................................593,423

MONTHLY RECORD for the year 2024

January (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 6,819

Daily average of visits..................................................................220

Documents opened.................................................................... 23,537

February (28 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 14,348

Documents opened.................................................................... 41,567

March (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 32,332

Documents opened.................................................................... 39,166

April (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 6,574

Documents opened.................................................................... 19,457

May (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 48,149

Documents opened.................................................................... 99,255

June (30 days) ç

Total visits ..................................................................................67,109

Documents opened.................................................................... 146,528

July (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 37,011

Documents opened.................................................................... 79.178

August (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 113,081

Documents opened.................................................................... 126,201

September (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 8.248

Documents opened.................................................................... 18,534






Data for the year 2023


Total visits to December 31, 2023..................................................................................814,319

Daily average for the year 2022.......................................................................2,231

Total of documents (pages) accessed by visitors)....................................1,589,563

Data for for the year 2023

Antonio’s site of 172 hymns

Visits from January 1 to July 17............................................................. .............12,353

Hymns accessed for the same period...................................................................15,774


MONTHLY RECORD for the year 2023


December (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................. 5,319

Daily average of visits..................................................................172

Documents opened.................................................................... 19,406

October (31 days)

Total visits ................................................................................. 8,450

Daily average of visits.................................................................. 273

Documents opened.................................................................... 26,011

September (30 days) Google implemented GA-4 in September, 2023

Total visits ............................................................................... 27,038

Daily average of visits.................................................................. 901

Documents opened.................................................................... 49,656

August (31 days)

Total visits ...............................................................................121,053

Daily average of visits...................................................................3,905

Documents opened....................................................................224,527

July (31 days)

Total visits ...............................................................................144,090

Daily average of visits...................................................................4,648

Documents opened....................................................................262,316

June (30 days)

Total visits ...............................................................................134,555

Daily average of visits...................................................................4,485

Documents opened..................................................................235,577

May (31 days)

Total visits ...............................................................................110,242

Daily average of visits...................................................................3,556

Documents opened..................................................................195,319

April (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................89,263

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,975

Documents opened..................................................................155,997

March (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................70,250

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,226

Documents opened..................................................................112,131

February (28 days)

Total visits .................................................................................51,449

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,837

Documents opened..................................................................156,182

January (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................42,445

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,369

Documents opened..................................................................136,256




Data for the year 2022

Total visits to December 31, 2022....................................................................................846,776

Daily average for the year 2022.......................................................................2,320

Total of documents (pages) accessed by visitors)......................................2,637,218

Feb.Data for for the year 2022

Antonio’s site of 172 hymns

Visits from January 1 to December 31............................................................. ...............21,761

Hymns accessed for the same period...................................................................31,784

MONTHLY RECORD for the year 2022

December (31 days)

Total de visitas ..............................................................................63,333

Promedio diario de visitas...........................................................2,043

Documentos abiertos...................................................................193,337

November (30 days)

Total de visitas ..............................................................................65,478

Promedio diario de visitas...........................................................2,447

Documentos abiertos...................................................................208,130

October (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................76,868

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,480

Documents opened..................................................................243,351

September (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................65,029

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,168

Documents opened..................................................................200,837

August (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................64,391

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,077

Documents opened..................................................................195,409

July (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................66,853

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,157

Documents opened..................................................................209,002

June (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................67,094

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,236

Documents opened..................................................................209,226

May (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................83,093

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,680

Documents opened..................................................................258,305

April (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................89,816

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,994

Documents opened..................................................................285,995

March (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................86,785

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,800

Documents opened..................................................................271,403

February (28 days)

Total visits .................................................................................77,169

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,756

Documents opened..................................................................247,947

January (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................40,485

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,306

Documents opened..................................................................114,376




Data for the entire year 2021


Total visits to Dec. 31, 2021.................................................................................... 880,106

Daily average for the year 2021.......................................................................2,411

Total of documents (pages) accessed by visitors).......................................2,250,387

Data for for the year 2021

Antonio’s site of 172 hymns

Visits from January 1 to Nov. 30.................................................... .............21,481

Hymns accessed for the same period...................................................................36,680


Monthly record after the following sections on Materials produced in Puerto Rico and Reports in PDF.




Data for the entire year 2020



Total visits.................................................................................................................. 970,150

Daily average for the year 2020.......................................................................2,658

Total of Page Views (documents accessed by visitors).................................2,488,955


Data for for the year 2020

Antonio’s site of 172 hymns


Visits for Decemberr.................................................................................................1,832

Visits from January 1 to Dec. 31, 2020.................................................... ...............24,617

Hymns accessed for the same period....................................................................46,934


Monthly record after the following sections on Materials produced in Puerto Rico and Reports in PDF.



Production of literature, cassettes, CD's, and other materials
in PUERTO RICO, through March 31, 2016.



A part of the printing equipment, materials and facilities used for about forty years in Puerto Rico to produce tracts, books, manuals, Bible courses, cassettes, etc., for the use of churches of Christ in the Spanish-speaking world.

Left: Ryobi, two-color, offset press.

Right: Stacks of paper printed, ready to be cut. Two tracts are printed on each sheet.

After cutting to size, the tracts are then folded.

The following data is for production only in PUERTO RICO,

through March 31, 2016.



Total of machine produced materials

plus electronic documents.

Data for PUERTO RICO, through March 31, 2016


Internet documents opened................................................................................ 28,284,411

Machine produced materials............................................................................... 28,300,665

-Grand Total of these two categories....................................................... 56,585,076

D.  Packages of materials shipped....................................................................................... 38,287

E.  Facebook. April 29, 2016. Number of Friends on Facebook..............................................1,895

F.  Twitter. April 29, 2016. Number of Followers on Twitter........................................................615`

We used Facebook and Twitter to announce new materials on the Internet Site


Known fruits of these materials
produced in PUERTO RICO,

plus those produced in South Florida,
beginning in May, 2016.


As of December 31, 2020

Number of conversions in which these materials played at least some part, according to brethren using them: 14, 875.

Number of congregations the establishment of which is attributed, at least in part, to these materials, according to reports received: 252




Reports in PDF

From Dewayne, Rita and Antonio Shappley


Brief Report 2022 05 03. Internet data for April 2022 and year 2022. Grand totals to date. Baptisms in Venezuela brought about in part by tracts.

Brief Report 2022 04 14. Internet data for March 2022. Internet data for March 2022. New tract and article in English and Spanish: Ccnflict and War or Peace and Security.

Brief Report 2022 03 16. Internet data on Spanish sites for January and February. Seven E-mails from pastors in Kenya, Africa in response to the all-English site Spirit of Truth and Prophecies.

Brief Report 2022 02 08. Snapshot of evangelism by some churches of Christ in Puerto rico during the COVID-19 pandemic as of December 2021 and January 2022



Brief Report 2021 12 31 Global data for the production of all materials in Puerto Rico and South Florida, totaling 70,199,704 instruments provided.

Brief Report 2021 11-17 150,394 tracts, plus booklets, books, Bibles, and CDs to churches in Nicaragua and Honduras.

Brief Report 2021 11-10 Internet data for October

Brief Report 2021 10 7 Internet data for September. Venezuela shipment

Brief Report 2021 09 18 Internet data. 179,400 tracts destined for Nicaragua, Honduras, and Venezuela. Four photographs previous to packing.

Brief Report 2021 08 18 Internet data and some E-mails

Brief Report 2021 07 19 Two more subjects on the Spirit of Prophecies English site

Brief Report 2021 07 13 Internet Data June on Spirit of Prophecies English site subjects

Brief Report 2021 06 17 Internet data Total production

Brief Report 2021 05 18 All English site begun. Spirit of Truth and Prophecies

Brief Report 2021 04 17 Printing for churches in Venezuela. 7 pages

Brief Report 2021 03 20 Bayamon, Puerto Rico church Leaders. Their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brief Report 2021 02 20 Rita undergoes seven bypass open heart surgery

Brief Report 2021 01 31 Stats Internet for January 2021

Brief Report 2021 01 25 Venezuela 57 boxes shipped



Brief Report 2020 12 31 Stats for Internet sites for the entire year 2020

Brief Report 2020 12 17 Venezuela. 41 photographs of packing and materials sent.

Brief Report 2020 11 24 Discrimination in churches of Christ. Video. Christians and the Secular-Material-Political Nations of the World.

Brief Report 2020 10 17 Four baptisms in Martí, Matanzas, Cuba.

Report. 2020 10 05 Compilation of 28 Brief Reports. Introduction.

Report. 2020 10 05 Compilation of 28 Brief Reports. Three studies, etc. 66 pages. Booklet.

Brief Report 2020 09 30 Baptism in Tipitapa, Nicaragua. Two photos of Loiza Puerto Rico church.

Brief Report 2020 09 12 Two studies in English and Spanish by Dewayne Shappley. The Color of Human Life and The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. Churches in Puerto Rico evangelize during the time of the coronavirus.

Brief Report 2020 08 08 Prophetical Lights 1 and 2. Two videos in English by Dewayne Shappley.

Brief Report 2020 07 31 Manuel seeks for true church in Barranquilla, Colombia. Woman in Carolina Puerto Rico finds true church through studies on

Brief Report 2020 07 01 Total of eight baptized in Piura, Peru through studies on

Brief Report 2020 06 23 Three converted in Piura, Peru through studies on

Brief Report 2020 06 16 Window on evangelism in Venezuela durante coronavirus pandemic. Report by Miguel Andarcia.

Brief Report 2020 06 01 Internet Data for May, 2020. “Normalcy from the Day Adam and Eve Leave Paradise to the Great Flood.” Sermon for a radio program in the Dominican Republic. Bayamon, Puerto Rico church continues digital content for members and others.

Brief Report 2020 05 10 Antonio presents a live study for brethren in Venezuela. Six articles related to the coronavirus pandemic. Internet data for April, 2020.

Brief Report 2020 04 22 Bolivia Odyssey of a soul in anguish

Brief Report 2020 04 06 Stats for Internet sites.

Brief Report 2020 04 01 March 8, 2020, 32 more boxes were packed in room 109 of the West Broward Church of Christ, Plantation, Florida facilities, and were shipped March 11. The total weight was 1,376 pounds, and the cost of shipping, door to door, was $850.00.

Brief Report 2020 03 26 In Cuba, the teenager Brayan finds the true gospel and the true church through studies on

Brief Report 2020 03 13 1,257 baptisms in Venezuela in 2019. 45,489 pounds of medical, supplies, food, protein, water filters, clothing, Bibles, tracts, booklets and books shipped through the West Broward, FL church to Venezuela. $80,000.00 also made available by the WB church for the support of evangelists and purchase of food in Venezuela. Useses and effectiveness of the tracts.

Brief Report 2020 02 21 Four large boxes of materials shipped to congregations in the southwestern area of the Dominican Republic. About 560 pounds of printed materials, including Bibles. Also, communion cups and bread.

Brief Report 2020 02 18 Kiara Shappley baptized in Plantation, FL. She is the daughter of Antonio and Irelis Shappley; granddaughter of Dewayne and Rita.

Brief Report 2020 01 15 Internet data. The congregation in Mayajigua, Cuba.

Brief Report 2020 01 06 Churches in Nicaragua present Shappleys a plaque in appreciation for contributions to the growth of the church in that country through tracts, booklets, books, cassettes and other materials sent from Puerto Rico during many years. 180 congregations in Nicaragua, with about 20,000 members.



Report for May 25, 2019. 44 pages. Spiral bound in printed format. Scores of photographs.

Contents. List. PDF. Extensive benevolent and evangelistic works in Venezuela. Two pages. Several photographs.

Section 1. PDF. Parts I, II and III. Venezuela Relief and Evangelism. Ten pages.

Section 2. PDF. Parts IV through VIII. Venezuela Relief and Evangelism. Ten pages.

Section 3. PDF. Parts IX through XII. Teaching Wednesday night classes for Spanish congregation. Invited to speak at the nationwide meeting of Churches of Christ in the Dominican Republic. Baptized 47 years later! E-mails and telephone calls. Internet evangelism and edification. Articles and studies developed since Jan. 1, 2019. Twenty pages.

Section 4. PDF. Part XIII. Personal notes. 2 pages.



Report for December 10, 2018. PDF. 4 pages. Barinas, Venezuela church: 600 members, 151 visitors Sunday, Dec. 9, 2018. Nineteen baptisms. Production of CD’s begun, with more than 1,000 of 5 titles. Document on Venezuela for churches of Christ.

Report for September 30, 2018. PDF. 8 pages. Stats updated. Eight new tracts. Three more books. Large shipments of tracts and books to Mexico and Venezuela. Venezuela Relief project.

Report for May 17, 2018. PDF. 17 pages. Books now being printed. Literature ministry data. Internet data. Many E-mails. Hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. Several pictures.



Report for December 31, 2017. Stats on Internet sites for the year 2017. 1,879,603 visits to our Internet sites in 2017.

Report for March 13, 2017. Data on Internet sites. 1,841,868 visits in 2016. Tract printing renewed. 203,000 copies of ten tracts in Spanish and four in English. Twelve pages of data and photographs.


Report. PowerPoint. 34 slides. Presented in November and December, 2016 to supporting congregations.



Report for January 1 through August 12, 2016. Extensive data on Internet sites maintained by Dewayne and Antonio Shappley. Scores of e-mails testify to the usefulness and effectiveness of thousands of materials of all kinds on the sites.


April 30, 2016. Puerto Rico Christians Celebrate Fifty Years of Work by the Shappley’s on the Island. To see a forty-slide report on the Celebration, left click the following link.

This full color report is in the pdf format. It is a large file, so please allow time for the first slide to appear. The slides can be projected, using a video projector. The “Celebration of our Fifty Years in Puerto Rico by Brethren on the Island” was a tremendous event in our lives. We are happy to share it with you through pictures and concise texts. Of course, no amount of pictures and words could capture the profound and powerful emotions of such an experience.

Report for April 24, 2016. Three elders and two deacons appointed in the Gurabo, Puerto Rico Church of Christ.



Report for December 06, 2015. Elders and Deacons appointed en Bayamon, Puerto Rico church of Christ.

Report for November 22, 2015. Ada Marie Torres baptized in Bayamon.

Report October 02, 2015. Baptism in Barinas, Venezuela, through Internet.

Report for September 25, 2015. Two baptisms in Bayamon.

Report for July 17, 18 and 19, 2015. West Broward, Plantation, FL gospel meeting

Report for January 01 – May 31, 2015

Report for the month of April, 2015 –Houston Seminar



Report for the month of December, 2014

Report for the month of November, 2014

Report for the month of October, 2014

Report for the month of September, 2014

Report for the month of August, 2014

Report for the month of July, 2014

Report for the month of June, 2014

Report for the month of May, 2014

Report for the month of April, 2014

Report for the month of March, 2014

Report for the month of February, 2014

Report for the month of January, 2014



Report for the month of December, 2013

Report for the month of November, 2013

Report for the month of October, 2013

Report for the month of September, 2013

Report for the month of August, 2013

Report for the month of July, 2013

Report for the month of June, 2013

Report for the month of May, 2013

Report for the month of April, 2013

Report for the month of March, 2013

Report for the month of February, 2013

Report for the month of January, 2013



Report of Dec. 31, 2012. All data updated. Equivalent to seventeen printed pages.

Report of August 05, 2012. Covers from Jan. 01 through Aug. 5, 2012. Equivalent to eleven printed pages.



Report of Dec. 31, 2011. Covers May 1 through Dec. 31, 2011. Equivalent to ten printed pages.

Report of Dec. 31, 2011. Fifteen photographs and additional info.

Report of May 30, 2011. Covers Nov. 22, 2010 through May 30, 2011. Five photographs.



November 23, 2010. Eight pages. Four photographs.

June 9, 2010. Four pages of text. No photographs.



December 31, 2009. Cover sheet, with two photographs. Six pages of data and letters from those using materials. Six pages of photographs.

April 1, 2009. About 16 pages in Web format. Twenty-one pictures.



May 7, 2008. Three pages.


MONTHLY RECORD for the year 2021

December (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................81,607

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,632

Documents opened..................................................................192,095

November (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................94,827

Daily average of visits...................................................................3,161

Documents opened..................................................................225,477

October (31 days)

Total visits ...............................................................................103,168

Daily average of visits...................................................................3,328

Documents opened..................................................................247,356

September (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................76,357

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,545

Documents opened..................................................................185,697

August (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................76,486

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,467

Documents opened..................................................................189,254

July (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................67,095

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,164

Documents opened..................................................................165,158

June (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................68,625

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,287

Documents opened..................................................................171,960

May (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................81,917

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,642

Documents opened..................................................................196,570

April (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................60,307

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,010

Documents opened..................................................................165,407

March (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................58,033

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,872

Documents opened..................................................................168,615

February (28 days)

Total visits .................................................................................54,256

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,938

Documents opened..................................................................161,089

January (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................55.908

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,803

Documents opened..................................................................166,117


MONTHLY RECORD for the year 2020


December (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................46,687

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,506

Documents opened..................................................................138,346

November (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................47,836

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,595

Documents opened..................................................................139,720

October (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................52,172

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,683

Documents opened..................................................................150,083

September (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................54,444

Daily average of visits...................................................................1,815

Documents opened..................................................................156,074

August (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................65,469

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,112

Documents opened..................................................................171,948

July (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................87,301

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,816

Documents opened..................................................................220,523

June (30 days)

Total visits .................................................................................80,339

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,678

Documents opened..................................................................231,326

May, (31 days)

Total visits .................................................................................97,803

Daily average of visits...................................................................3,155

Documents opened..................................................................272,960

April (30 days)

Total visits ...............................................................................122,311

Daily average of visits...................................................................4,087

Documents opened..................................................................344,860

March (31 days)

Total visits ...............................................................................127,883

Daily average of visits...................................................................4,125

Page views (impressions)........................................................333,394

February (29 days)

Total visits ................................................................................ 97,745

Daily average of visits...................................................................3,360

Page views (impressions)........................................................232,727

January (31 days)

Total visits ................................................................................ 90,202

Daily average of visits...................................................................2,920

Page views (impressions)........................................................207,620



MONTHLY RECORD for the year 2019

For editoriallapaz, iglesia-de-cristo and

YouTube and Vimeo (Videos)


December (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................ 72,444

-Daily average of visits...................................................................2,337

-Page views (impressions)........................................................151,432

November (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................ 86,092

-Daily average of visits...................................................................2,868

-Page views (impressions)........................................................177,415

October (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................ 88,423

-Daily average of visits...................................................................2,852

-Page views (impressions)........................................................179,812

September (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................ 95,530

-Daily average of visits...................................................................3,184

-Page views (impressions)........................................................135,420

August (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................202,044

-Daily average of visits...................................................................6,518

-Page views (impressions)........................................................272,201

July (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................200,881

-Daily average of visits...................................................................6,480

-Page views (impressions)........................................................271,351

June ( 30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................193,509

-Daily average of visits...................................................................6,450

-Page views (impressions)........................................................262,607

May (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................175,483

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,661

-Page views (impressions)........................................................239,952

April (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................162,102

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,403

-Page views (impressions)........................................................220,248

March (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................163,883

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,287

-Page views (impressions)........................................................223,177

February (28 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................131,225

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,687

-Page views (impressions)........................................................183,847

January (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................135,342

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,366

-Page views (impressions)........................................................192,144




Data for the year 2018, to Dicember 31



YouTube y Vimeo (Videos)


Total of visits....................................................................................................................1,962,126

Daily average for the year 2018..................................................................................5,376

Total of Page Views (documents accessed by visitors)........................................2,756,879


Data for for the year 2018

Antonio’s site of 172 hymns


Visits for Dicember, 2018.................................................................................................7,742

Visits from January 1 - Dicember 31, 2018...................................................................80,508

Hymns accessed for the same period......................................................................114,382


MONTHLY RECORD for the year 2018

For editoriallapaz, iglesia-de-cristo and

YouTube and Vimeo (Videos)


Dicember (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................118,529

-Daily average of visits...................................................................3,824

-Page views (impressions)........................................................164,911

November, (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................140,352

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,678

-Page views (impressions)........................................................194,973

October (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................162,205

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,232

-Page views (impressions)........................................................222,282

September (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................170,164

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,671

-Page views (impressions)........................................................232.670

August (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................173,005

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,581

-Page views (impressions)........................................................238,604

July (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................167,761

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,412

-Page views (impressions)........................................................234,697

June (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................168,672

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,662

-Page views (impressions)........................................................235,452

May (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................181.752

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,863

-Page views (impressions)........................................................250,639

April (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................177,081

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,903

-Page views (impressions)........................................................250,831

March (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................181,385

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,851

-Page views (impressions)........................................................262,570

February (28 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................164,378

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,871

-Page views (impressions)........................................................235,779

January (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................156,766

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,057

-Page views (impressions)........................................................223,471




Data for the year 2017, to December 31




YouTube y Vimeo (Videos)

-Total of visits.............................................................................................................1,879,603

-Daily average for the year 2017.......................................................................5,150

-Total of Page Views (documents accessed by visitors)..............................2,777,544

Data for for the year 2017

Antonio’s site of 172 hymns

-Visits for December, 2017.............................................................................................5,506

-Visits from Januray 1 - December 30, 2017......................................................100,557

-Hymns accessed for the same period................................................................143,264



For editoriallapaz, iglesia-de-cristo and

YouTube and Vimeo (Videos)


December (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................132,852

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,286

-Page views (impressions)........................................................191,961

November (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................173,457

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,782

-Page views (impressions)........................................................248,499

October (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................189,410

-Daily average of visits...................................................................6,110

-Page views (impressions)........................................................273,944

September (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................166,175

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,539

-Page views (impressions)........................................................237,706

August (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................149,455

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,821

-Page views (impressions)........................................................218,398

July (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................144,371

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,657

-Page views (impressions)........................................................211,607

June (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................161,490

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,383

-Page views (impressions)........................................................236,161

May (31 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................166,724

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,378

-Page views (impressions)........................................................245,761

April (30 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................155,550

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,185

-Page views (impressions)........................................................228,805

March (31 dyas)

-Total visits ................................................................................157,271

-Daily average of visits...................................................................5,073

-Page views (impressions)........................................................235,803

February (28 days)

-Total visits ................................................................................137,814

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,922

-Page views (impressions)........................................................207,396

January (31 days)

-Total visits ..................................................................................144,489

-Daily average of visits...................................................................4,661

-Page views (impressions)........................................................215,504


For reports on previous years…

2003 through 2010

2011 through 2012

2013 through 2016

Divider for the Page of Stats in English for sites administered by Dewayne Shappley, production of materials in Spanish for churches of Christ, and Reports.


Reports, in English, by Dewayne and Rita Shappley

As of May 2, 2016, by the grace of God and with the support of generous congregations, plus that of a few individuals, we completed fifty years of evangelistic work directed toward the Spanish-speaking people of the world. Living in Puerto Rico, and starting there, as we began to produce materials for local use, brethren in other countries learned of them, requesting quantities. Eventually, so many requests were being received and so many fruits reported that we decided to devote the major part of our time to producing materials. Beginning in 2010, our chief focus has been evangelizing an edifying through Internet sites. During these fifty years, we have continually prepared reports for supporting churches and individuals. These fill five, two inch, three-ring binders, and we have started on the sixth.


From May 7, 2008 on, reports have been made available on this Internet site.



Puerto Rico Christians Celebrate Fifty Years of Work
by the Shappley’s on the Island

To see a forty-slide report on the Celebration, left click the following link.

The “Celebration of our Fifty Years in Puerto Rico by Brethren on the Island” was a tremendous event in our lives. We are happy to share it with you through pictures and concise texts. Of course, no amount of pictures and words could capture the profound and powerful emotions of such an experience.



Report for December 10, 2018. PDF. 4 pages. Barinas, Venezuela church: 600 members, 151 visitors Sunday, Dec. 9, 2018. Nineteen baptisms. Production of CD’s begun, with more than 1,000 of 5 titles. Document on Venezuela for churches of Christ.

Report for September 30, 2018. PDF. 8 pages. Stats updated. Eight new tracts. Three more books. Large shipments of tracts and books to Mexico and Venezuela. Venezuela Relief project.

Report for May 17, 2018. PDF. 17 pages. Books now being printed. Literature ministry data. Internet data. Many E-mails. Hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. Several pictures.


Report for December 31, 2017. Stats on Internet sites for the year 2017. 1,879,603 visits to our Internet sites in 2017.

Report for March 13, 2017. Data on Internet sites. 1,841,868 visits in 2016. Tract printed renewed. 203,000 copies of ten tracts in Spanish and four in English.

Report for January 1 through August 12, 2016. Extensive data on Internet sites maintained by Dewayne and Antonio Shappley. Scores of e-mails testify to the usefulness and effectiveness of thousands of materials of all kinds on the sites.


April 30, 2016. Puerto Rico Christians Celebrate Fifty Years of Work by the Shappley’s on the Island. To see a forty-slide report on the Celebration, left click the following link.

This full color report is in the pdf format. It is a large file, so please allow time for the first slide to appear. The slides can be projected, using a video projector. The “Celebration of our Fifty Years in Puerto Rico by Brethren on the Island” was a tremendous event in our lives. We are happy to share it with you through pictures and concise texts. Of course, no amount of pictures and words could capture the profound and powerful emotions of such an experience.


Elders and Deacons appointed in the
Gurabo, Puerto Rico Church of Christ

April 24, 2016

Report for April 24, 2016. Three elders and two deacons appointed in the Gurabo, Puerto Rico Church of Christ.


In the Gurabo, Puerto Rico Church of Christ, three elders and two deacons were named April 24, 2016.




Studies in the Bible and related subjects.

Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site.



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