Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
This illustration is for the Page of PDF’s (Portable Document Files) of the commentary “Revelation: Analysis of the Prophecies and Visions.” We have begun the process of making texts and graphics of the commentary available in PDF, a format which facilitates downloading of the material. The following link opens the Page: Archivos en PDF para el comentario Apocalipsis: análisis de las profecías y visiones.
E-mails and Notes reveal much about the material on our sites and positive reactions to it. Stats on Internet sites after the E-mails.
E-mails in order of date. One of the most important is dated February 25.
-Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Feb. 02, 2014. “I am an evangelical pastor, and thanks to God for you. You will be a very important resource in my ministry. May God bless you.” Rubén Fernández Rivera. Referer: ""
-The Referer shows Rubén sent his e-mail from the Page of PowerPoint illustrations for Part 2, of Chapter 1, of the Commentary on Revelation. This Part 2 is a review, by means of an imaginary time-trip, of important historical scenes and events of the Christian Age. The purpose is to provide the reader or student information in preparation for, hopefully, a more precise interpretation of the prophecies and visions of the Apocalypse. On several Pages of the commentary, we urge the reader to give greater priority to the basics of the gospel rather than to prophecy, observing that many people are obsessed with prophecy though they do not even know the rudiments of the doctrine of Christ. If readers such as this “evangelical pastor” are impressed by the commentary, perhaps they will be motivated to look at other subjects on the sites.
-Place not identified. Feb. 04, 2014. “A very clear exposition, Brother Shappley…” Referer: ""
-The Referer is to “Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit,” the purpose of this study being, in part, to show that baptism should not be in the name of “Jesus only.” The “Jesus only” teachers have a strong following in the Spanish-speaking world.
-Place not identified. Feb. 04, 2014. “Your points of view are very interesting, but I would like for you to tell who you are, that is to say, of what religion, or denomination, you are and where you are located physically (country, province, city). Thanks.” Pablo Lucero Referer: ""
-The Referer points to a study on the so called “Rapture.” I sent Pablo links to resources that provide information he expressed a desire to have. Of course, if he had used the “Search forms and options” for the site he should have been able to quickly find the information. The Google search option, just for the site editoriallapaz and not for the worldwide Web, quickly brings up a list of related files for any given word or phrase.
-Colombia. Feb. 07, 2014. “I am always praying to God that may continue forward. I need not say how thankful I am for I am always learning through it many things taught there about the Word of God, the which I also forward to a great many Christians and non-Christians.” Alberto Miguel
Jimmy writes of casting out “…these unclean birds who rob the Word and make nests in lukewarm congregations.”
-Medellín, Colombia. Feb. 13, 2014. “I give thanks to God for having found your Web. In truth, I was thinking this was only a problem for me.” [The Referer shows the writer has reference to the prosperity gospel.] My thought, position, what I have learned and am sure of having received from the Holy Spirit agrees with what you have published. But, it does go against what the majority of believers think is the truth. I salute you from Medellín, Colombia, and pray to God that he may send true preachers who will cast out these unclean birds who rob the Word and make nests in lukewarm congregations. I bless you and ask God to grant you the Spirit of Revelation and provide you protection for yourself and yours from demonic, retaliatory attack. Cordially, Jimmy Vásquez.” Referer: ""
-The Referer informs us Jimmy wrote from the Page of Part 1, of an excellent four-part study by Wuiston Medina, of Venezuela, entitled “False Prophets; False Teachings,” a treatise on the prosperity gospel and other pernicious teachings of modern-day Pentecostalism, which have also subverted much of the evangelical world.
-San José, Costa Rica. Feb. 17, 2014. “Blessings, brothers in Christ Jesus, for the material on Revelation. It is excellent. I am the pastor of a small church, and do not have the resources to prepare projects such as this. The congregation has been asking me for a study on Revelation, and I have desired to expound it just as you have it. I asked the Lord for help and he gave it to me through you. I love you. Gloria.”
-San José, Costa Rica. Feb. 24, 2014. After I answered, Gloria wrote again. “Beloved Brother Homero, blessings for you, your family and ministry in Christ Jesus. I thank you very respectfully for your reply, for I can see you are a very busy person. I will tell you I have seen many studies on Revelation, but none of them met my expectations. I prayed to the Lord he would give me the subject as you have presented it, for I desired to show it to the congregation, since the visuals will help some to learn it more easily. Thanks for sowing what God has sown in you and your ministry. I also am at your service in Christ Jesus.” Gloria Alpizar Badilla.
-For a lady pastor to write thus of the study on Revelation as we have it on the sites is quite significant for me personally, and much more so since I know most in the Evangelical-Pentecostal realm would hardly agree with most of it. Perhaps she will go on to read some of the studies on the biblical roll of the Christian woman in the church.
-Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Feb. 19, 2014. “I am an art student at the Inter American University, San Germán, Puerto Rico. I am doing an investigative work on Armageddon. I began with readings about the seven cups. It is here I will prepare seven paintings related to events in Revelation. I am a Christian and faithful believer in God Almighty. I will be thankful for help with the studies. Thanks. May you be blessed.” Jimmy Román. Referer: "”
-According to the Referer, Jimmy wrote this e-mail from the Page on the First Trumpet, of the illustrated commentary on Revelation available on and also on the site Inter American University was begun, almost a century ago if I remember correctly, as a Presbyterian School in the town of San Germán, in the southwestern corner of Puerto Rico. Less religiously oriented now, it is one of the largest universities on the island, with campuses in various places, including a dentistry school in Bayamón.
-Chillán, Chile. Feb. 23, 2014. “I am a deacon of the Evangelical Army Church of Jesus Christ. I liked the teaching, with good biblical foundations.” José. Referer: ""
-The Referer shows José was writing about the full-text sermon entitled “Promises.”
Moisés Peña, pastor for seven years, changed in his life and ministry by subjects he has studied on editoriallapaz. Proposes to begin a church of Christ in the state of Anzoategui, Venezuela
-Anzoategui, Venezuela. Feb. 25, 2014. “Christ’s peace be with you. I thank God for this portal on the Web, which has helped me greatly and has confirmed that sound doctrine is as I have defended it to the present moment. Just to ask that you orient me with regard to the material I should use to begin a work of God. If you would send me a guide of materials on this Web I might use to begin a church, I would be very grateful. Sincerely, yours in Christ.” Moisés Peña
-We sent Moisés links to a document on how to begin a new congregation and to materials he might wish to use for the instruction of new members. Also requested he tell us where he is located.
-Moisés replied as of March 19, 2014. For continuity, I will include his reply here.
-Anzoategui, Venezuela. March 19, 2014. “Dear Brother Alamo, I thank you for your answer. My concern now is to know which studies I should give to work in an orderly way with regard to the enablement of the church of Christ. I write from the state of Anzoategui, in Venezuela.
You explain courses are given by stages in Puerto Rico. I would like to know what subjects I should give for the first two years. You speak of a certificate on finishing the studies. I would like to know if you could send me one.
Please forgive my imprudence for not having identified myself properly. I am the head of a family, with four children in the Lord Jesus. My wife is a Christian. I have been in the position of pastor for seven years, and I give thanks to God for the day I found your portal of Editorial La Paz. From that day, my life has changed, for, studying your writings, I was directly more correctly in the truth of the gospel. Believe me, I would like to know you personally and share more of many concerns I still have. But, I do understand I have obtained many answers in your writings. I await your answer at an opportune moment. Christ’s peace be with you and yours.” Moisés Peña
-Veracruz, México. Feb. 25, 2014. “Hello. I am very interested in your Web Page. My family is Pentecostal, and I attended, sporadically, the church, but learned very little. Pentecostals have many things that do not please me. I am confused, but am trying once more to come close to God.” The lady who wrote these words goes on to explain that Jehovah’s Witnesses are visiting her. Then request information about a church of Christ where she lives. She has two children she wants to avoid bringing up in untrue teachings. We sent her information we have on congregations in the state of Veracruz. Also forwarded her e-mail to a contact there.
Internet Stats
February, 2014 (28 days)
-To 85,546
-To 298
-To 267
-To, for videos........................................................................................ 421
-Total visits.............................................................................................. 86,532
-Daily average of visits........................................................................................ 3,305
-Page views for all sites.............................................................................................. 159,382
Totals for the year 2014
-Total visits...................................................................................................................... 171,085
-Daily average for 59 days.................................................................................... 2,899
-Page views.................................................................................................................... 321,762
Grand Totals through February 28, 2014
-Grand Total of visits................................................................................................ 11,598,108
-Grand Total of Page Views (documents accessed by visitors)......................... 23,294,994
Among nineteen entries to the sites for February is the following. “The Young Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Lesson 3 of the series on The family-social-secular-religious world of Jesus of Nazareth: His life from twelve to thirty years of age.” This Lesson 3 is on the Village of Nazareth. Below, people of the Village of Nazareth in front of their synagogue.
El Joven Jesucristo en Nazaret. Eighteen images of graphics and texts in PDF, via a Carousel of the images, for Bible Classes. His house, family and life in Nazareth. Many scenes of how life was in the Nazareth of the first century. Takes of scenes of the Village of Nazareth, near modern Nazareth, where conditions and circumstances of the first century are recreated and the whole project is maintained daily, with the people there dressing and working as in the time of Jesus. Ruins of a house found in old Nazareth dated to the time of Jesus Christ. The “Myth of Nazareth” exploded. Before the discovery of the ruins of the ancient house in Nazareth, some skeptics and atheists asserted that Nazareth was a myth, that no such place as “Nazareth” ever existed, one reason being, according to them, that no archaeological evidence for it had been found. Then, to their chagrin, the ruins of the first century house were found and dated!
Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
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