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Report from Dewayne and Rita Shappley
Oct. 02, 2015
Ulises Rodríguez is baptized in Barinas, Venezuela after studying on our Internet site
Ulises Rodríguez is in the middle. On the left is Bro. Hjalmar Paredes, of the church in Mérida Sur, Mérida, Venezuela. David Sosa, preacher of the church of Christ in Barinas, Venezuela, is on the right.
The two pictures in this report were sent by Hjalmar Paredes.
Bro. José Dávila was converted in Caracas, Venezuela and worked as an evangelist there for several years. He was invited to work full-time as a Spanish minister for a church in Maryland, and, after a time there, moved to Florida, where he now attends the West Broward, Plantation, Florida church. This is where Antonio and his family attend, and where Rita and I meet when we are in Florida. José told me he participated in the establishment of the church in Mérida and that it is one of the largest congregations in Venezuela, with more than 300 in attendance, if I remember the number correctly.
Ulises Rodríguez in the act of being baptized by Hjalmar Paredes.
E-mails reveal the sequence of events
Aug. 24, 2015
Ulises Rodríguez desires to be baptized after reading studies on our Web Site
-Barinas, Venezuela. Aug. 24, 2015. “Good evening. Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. My name is Ulises Rodríguez, of Barinas, State of Barinas, Venezuela. Three years ago, I received the Lord as my Savior, and since that time I have visited various congregations. At the present time, I attend the World Mission Movement [Pentecostal], but I always feel uncomfortable in the worship services of those organizations I have visited, for, in general, they obey a lot of doctrines of men, follow men, and say, for example, that it is necessary to tithe, and other such commandments, that, to my understanding, according to what I read in the Bible, contradict the commandment of my Lord Jesus Christ. In view of this, I have tried, day after day, to examine closely the Scriptures, and look on the Internet for information on what is biblical and what is not. Now, I use the Bible to filter every message, sermon and teaching. If it is in the Scriptures, I believe it; if not, I do not. By the grace of God the Father, I found this Web Page [editoriallapaz, our Page], and reading, I have realized it agrees with the Bible, and that is what I like, because here God is obeyed, and not men. May God be true, and all men liars. I will tell you I have not yet been baptized, for in those congregations they do not baptize new believers until a certain time and according to certain requirements. After a few months went by, I decided to wait and be baptized biblically. Therefore, I ask: Do you have a congregation here in the state of Barinas, Venezuela, where I may be baptized as my Lord Jesus Christ commands? Waiting for your answer, I say: Good by. Your brother in Christ, Ulises Rodríguez.”
-Not having information on any congregation in Barinas, I sent Ulises information on nearby congregations of the church of Christ, and forwarded his e-mail to contacts in the area. One of the contacts was Hjalmar Paredes, of the church in Mérida Sur, not very far from Barinas.
Sept. 12, 2015.
Hjalmar Paredes reports the baptism of Ulises, sending two pictures.
-Barinas, Venezuela. Sept. 12, 2015. “Dear Bro. Homero, thanks to God who has blessed your ministry and made it possible for people like Ulises to know and obey the gospel. In the photograph, from left to right, your servant Hjalmar Paredes, preacher of the church in Mérida Sur, Ulises, and David Sosa, preacher of the church in Barinas, all of us from Venezuela.”
Sept. 13, 2015.
Ulises Rodríguez sends news of his baptism.
-Barinas, Venezuela. Sept. 13, 2015. “Good evening, Homero Shappley de Álamo, brother and servant of God. Greetings in the love of Christ. I write to inform you that Friday, Sept. 11, 2015, that is, two days ago, I was baptized as the Lord commands. By grace I am saved and the Lord has added me to his church, the church of Christ. I am attending the church of Christ in the city of Barinas, State of Barinas, Venezuela. I give thanks to God for using his servants as a channel or means so that this soul might come to attain eternal salvation. I pray and ask God the Father to continue using you, and the other servants, Hjalmar Paredes, of the church of Christ in Mérida, and David Sosa, of the church of Christ in Barinas. The eternal mansions are awaiting us, with our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father.” Ulises Rodríguez
Sept. 27, 2015
Ulises continues studies on
-Barinas, Venezuela. Sept. 27, 2015. “Good evening, servant Homero Shappley de Álamo. I continue examining and studying the Scriptures, and reading your writings on the Web, this being a great blessing for the edification of my soul.” Ulises Rodríguez
Map showing the locations of Barinas and Mérida
-Mérida, capital of the state of Mérida, is just a little to the southeast of Lake Maracaibo. [The island of Aruba, where Rita and I worked from 1962 to 1965, is 18 miles off the Venezuela coast from where Lake Maracaibo empties into the Atlantic. When atmospheric conditions were just right, from a high point we could see the mountains close to that coast. Never did go there.]
-Barinas, the capital of the state of Barinas, is to the right (East) of Mérida.
-In addition, please take note of Cúcuta, Colombia, extreme left, about two-thirds down. The yellow, dotted line marks the boundary between Venezuela and Colombia. About six or seven years ago, Ronald Sabino, was converted in western Venezuela, studies on playing a crucial part in his conversion. Ronald began immediately to evangelize in western Venezuela and eastern Colombia. His work resulted in scores of conversions and the establishment of two congregations in eastern Colombia, one being in Cúcuta. Ronald went on to study at the Baxter Institute, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and has perhaps graduated by now.
-Below Cúcuta is Bucaramanga, Colombia, where at least one person has been brought to Christ through the Internet site.
The Internet goes everywhere. And so does!
Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
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