Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
As the computer hand is pointing right at Central America, with South America to the lower right and North America to the upper left, so do I try to keep before me, when I publish to the Internet, the fact that, each and every week, more than 21,000 Spanish-speaking people will make contact with us. We prepare and make available Bible materials in several different categories. Each week, more than 21,000 will actually visit our sites in search of information on some subject of a spiritual-religious nature! I consider that nothing short of marvelous, and praise the Lord for the privilege of participating in this way in the works of His Kingdom.
A new Internet site up and running
The site is This one is to be dedicated almost exclusively to positive teaching on the church God conceived and his Son established. For years, I have thought it important to have a site identified specifically with the name “iglesia de Cristo” and when the above domain name became available I obtained it. Antonio designed the site and set it to functioning on the Web, no small task to be sure. Though you may not understand Spanish, we invite you to take a look at some of the Pages. Beautiful graphics, keyed to content, including a “slider” of graphics on the Home Page which slowly move horizontally or at an angle, a most pleasing effect to me. They also serve as links to subjects. We project using the slider module on different sections of the site once several studies are added to each one. The monthly hosting cost is only $2.95, though there are other initial costs. Several studies are already available on the site.
With regard to, the site we have been maintaining and expanding since 2003, a number of technical improvements were made in June and July. As an example, all graphics, or almost all, now have a slight shadow box, making them stand out somewhat on the Page. I continue to repair and improve files affected by the changeover from Microsoft FrontPage to Adobe DreamWeaver.
Beginning this month, the stats reports on the sites will show visits registered to both sites and to, where we have several hymns and one sermon available in video.
E-mails of interest
-Place not identified. July 11, 2013. “The resources you share are a great blessing. Thanks.” Gabriel Silva
-Place not identified. July 17, 2013. “I would like to know to which congregation you belong, and if it is a church of Christ, for your sermons are excellent, having pleased me so much, for I am a student of the church of Christ. I am also in agreement with what you preach. God bless you.” José Chávez Casillas [In our reply, we inquire if José is in direct contact with some congregation of our brotherhood, and if not, offer to help him find the nearest one.]
-Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina. July 18, 2013. “I would like to know how to make contact with the church of Christ nearest to my city. I will be awaiting your reply. Blessings.” Jorge Vargas.
-Puerto Madryn is a city on the Atlantic coast, to the south of Buenos Aires, about half way between Buenos Aires and Villa Gisell, this city being where a congregation was established about three years ago through our Internet site. We forwarded the e-mail by Jorge Vargas to congregations in both places, as well as to Hugo Fuente, in Córdoba. Puerto Madryn draws many tourists who go there to see whales swimming and breaching close to the shoreline.
-Colombia. July 23, 2013. “Editorial La Paz – is truly an open window to the public where the Word of God is preached. It helps the sinner to see the reason for sin in his life, to believe in Christ and understand the true purity of the gospel that saves and regenerates the soul.” Alberto López
-Place not identified. July 23, 2013. “Homero, some time ago, I read some of the articles published, and they helped me very much in my Bible class. Now, I am to explain Acts 20:1-12. I would like to know if you can comment on these verses, with regard to what Greece and Macedonia were like in those times when Paul visited them, or where I might find information. Thank you for your kind attention. May God our Father bless you. Thanks.” Ana María Álvarez García [We directed Ana María to the section of McGarvey’s Commentary on that text. The whole Commentary, in Spanish, is on our site.]
Pastor cites an interesting statement by Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Place not identified. July 27, 2013. “Intelligent people have a right over the ignorant: the right to instruct them.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. “In my case, I apply this to the spiritual part, that part of us that places us before God, as his children, subject to his will, the which we can only understand a little by the dedicated reading and studying of the biblical Scriptures. Greetings.” Pastor José Alvarado Artavia
-Dallas, Texas. July 24, 2013. “Hello. It is a precious thing to find a place like this Internet site. Thanks. I congratulate the creators of this Web.” Salvador (engineer)
-Lima, Perú. July 26, 2013. “Bro. Homero, many thanks for your reply. I did not expect it to be so prompt. I am 65 years old and live in Lima, Peru. My name is Ana Povea. I wrote you about the tithe. Your study is very interesting, very detailed, well explained. I liked it, and read all of it, with the Bible open before me. You suggest I visit a congregation [of the church of Christ].Yes, I would like to visit one if you have any in Lima. The study of the Bible is a priority in my life. I hope you will allow me to continue corresponding with you and consult you about any doubt I may have. God bless you. Grace and peace.” Ana Povea [There are seventeen congregations in Lima, perhaps more. I sent Ana data on some of them, and forwarded her two e-mails, with my replies, to three. Ana read the study alluded to at the following link: Referer: ""]
-This lady expressed a high degree of desperation in her first e-mail, dated July 25, 2013. Following is part of it. “Beloved brethren, many thanks for this study. It is so very important. More so at this time when you can no longer know which is a true church that practices the truth of the Word. Now, everything has turned into a business, and those of us who are true Christians are frowned upon because we do not follow the law of Moses. What, then, should I do? For in my congregation they ask me to give in three ways: the tithe, the contribution and I don’t know whatever else. I have already left various congregations, and I spent all my money, the little I had left.”
-Santa Barbara, Honduras. July 30, 2013. “Blessings, brethren. What an excellent Web Page.” Carlos Edgardo Perdomo Hernández, of the church of Christ.
-Place not identified. July 31, 2013. “Hello, brethren in Christ. Greetings. My name is Denni González. I have remained speechless before so much valuable information I have seen on this Web Page. I will be praying and asking the Lord that he give you much wisdom and knowledge to teach the true doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. God bless you greatly.” Denni González [This e-mail was sent when Denni was on the Page that contains a full index to all the texts and graphics making up the commentary “Revelation: an Analysis of the Prophecies and Visions.” Referer: ""]
Internet Stats
July, 2013 (31 days)
-To 94,937
-To 328
-To, for videos (Jan. 01 – July 31)..................................................... 2,523
-Total visits.............................................................................................. 97,788
-Daily average of visits to editoriallapaz and iglesia-de-cristo for July........ 3,073
-Page views for all sites.............................................................................................. 177,992
Totals for the year 2013
-Total visits...................................................................................................................... 808,606
-Daily average for 212 days................................................................................... 3,814
-Page views................................................................................................................. 1,424,084
Grand Totals through July 31, 2013
-Grand Total of visits................................................................................................. 10,978,644
-Grand Total of Page Views (documents accessed by visitors).......................... 22,248,158
Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
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