Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
E-mails and Notes reveal much about the material on our sites and positive reactions to it. Stats on Internet sites after the E-mails.
New congregation begun in Neiva, Huila, Colombia
Neiva is the Capital of the Department of Huila. It is located in the valley of the Magdalena River, in south central Colombia, with a population of about 378,857 inhabitants. Wikipedia It is about 300 kilometers / 186.4 miles (about a five-hour drive) from the Colombian capital, Bogotá. Neiva was first founded in 1539 by Juan de Cabrera.
-Neiva, Huila, Colombia. Jan. 02, 2014. “Many thanks, brethren, for providing a means such as this for the edification of the saints. I live in the city of Neiva, Huila, Colombia. A few months ago, I began to learn the truth of the gospel and decided to go out of Babylon, or, as you knew how to call it on this Web Site, an ‘Independent Christian Republic,’ and a month ago I was baptized in a river for the forgiveness of my sins and to have full entrance into the Kingdom of God, and by this means, become a part of his church, which is, from what I have learned, the same today. I feel happy, and, well, we are beginning the church of Christ in Neiva, for my wife and I, with some friends with whom the Lord has permitted me to share the gospel, are meeting together. Thanks, I say again, for providing materials that have been useful for learning God’s will for my life.” Luis Fernando Martínez Muñoz
-Quito, Ecuador. Jan. 04, 2014. “Your Web Pages are very interesting, a medium to which one can connect at any moment, and in any part of the world. May God bless you always, beloved brethren.” Nelson Guillermo Loachamin
-Springfield, MA. Jan. 04, 2014. Telephone call. From a Puerto Rican lady named Mirdan. She was Catholic, and is now visiting a Pentecostal church in Springfield, but is not satisfied. I gave her information on a church of Christ, of 115 members, in West Springfield, and she said her son lives close to the address.
-Place not identified. Jan. 05, 2014. “The Lord Jesus Christ bless you, and permit you to continue writing messages like these for the exhortation of those people who have been, and continue to be, deceived by false doctrines founded on the carnal and material things of this ever more corrupt world, and who set aside the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus our Lord, which is the true gospel. I am a faithful reader of this Web Page. May the God of heavens always guide you through his Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus Christ, and sustain you every moment. Amen.” Luis Montilla Referer: ""
-The Referer shows Luis was speaking particularly of some articles written by Vicente Mercado, of Colombia. As I have noted about Vicente in previous reports, he would watch programming on the religious, mostly Pentecostal, TV station Enlace, and then write excellent analyses, which I have published on editoriallapaz.
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Jan. 10, 2014. Roberto Chandi called to inquire about the church, noting he had found out about us through He explained he was looking for the true church, observing that the churches and pastors in his area are all after material things. When I informed him there are two congregations in nearby Aguadilla, he was glad, stating he thought he would have to come all the way to Bayamón to visit a congregation. Mayagüez is about 80 miles to the west of Bayamón.
-Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela. Jan. 13, 2014. “I like this Web Page a lot. It is of great value to me and the children in my class.” Yenibeth Griceld Rodríguez Hernández. Referer: "”
-Yenibeth had reference to Bible study guides, of which we have a sizable number on, in three different formats. Some are PowerPoint presentations, some are visuals prepared in CorelDraw which we are converting to PowerPoint as time allows, and others are text only.
-Paterson, NJ. Jan. 13, 2014. Telephone call. Adrián Ventura called to request more Bible studies, mentioning some titles he had already received, such as the fifteen lesson series on the Lord’s Supper. He said they were very good and that he had learned a lot. When I inquired about where he lives, he replied: Paterson, NJ, adding that there are two Spanish-speaking congregations in that city. I commented that I preached one night, in 1979, in Paterson. That was when I was invited to preach two weeks in New York, one meeting in Lower Manhattan, and one in Amsterdam Ave. On that trip, I carried with me information about a Peruvian pastor in Paterson who had been studying some of our literature. We contacted him and were invited to visit him and his little congregation, where I was asked to speak. As a result of the literature and this visit, pastor Odar, his wife and others became members of the church of Christ. That was thirty-five years ago. Adrián said: “I know this Brother Odar. He is on up in years, is still faithful and preaches some.”Yes, he would be in his eighties. Suggesting that Brother Odar might still remember me, Adrían said: “Yes, he does. He mentions you once in awhile.” Well, that information thrilled me. As we talked, I could distinctly remember Brother Odar, his wife and the place I preached that night.
-Place not identified. Jan. 20, 2014. Congratulations from an atheist! “In the first place, allow me to congratulate you on your investigation. It helped me a lot. But, I would like to clarify that I am an ATHEIST, however I do not believe in any Kingdom of Atheists. We atheists are people tolerant of all human beings and we respect all points of view. I do not believe there are atheists who feel superior to anybody. What an atheist does is reflect and investigate, and not limit himself to only what he hears in some place. What you say about our knowing the Bible is true. Some of us even study theology so that we may have valid arguments for any conversation or debate with whatever believer or whatever religion.” Blasco Bernardi. Referer: ""
-The Referer is to a document of statistics on atheism. Not a small portion of the material on is composed of studies and sermons having to do with atheism, evolution, humanism and hedonism. is where the subjects are listed. While Blasco characterizes himself as a “tolerant atheist,” adding that he does believe there are atheists who feel superior to other people, well do we know so many of them look upon believers in God as superstitious, ignorant, inferior beings, and not a few ridicule us, even unmercifully. One of the sermons on is “The Kingdom of Atheists versus the Kingdom of God,” available in video and in PowerPoint. Investigating sites of atheists on the Internet, I found one actually called “Kingdom of Atheists.” My reply to Blasco included observations about his perceptions, as well as on the tactic of studying theology to refute believers. As I pointed out to him, so many atheists are fighting the straw men of false theology instead of confronting real truth.
-Place not identified. Jan. 24, 2014. “Very good. I liked them a lot. And the explanations are very clear. Thanks.” Angelita Referer: ""
-The Referer shows Angelita was writing about the studies and graphics on the four beasts of Daniel.
-Place not identified. Jan. 26, 2014. “Interesting, but it is necessary to avoid falling into the same trap of those we judge. A sincere, humble look, with faith, and without hypocrisy, can help us to beseech God for understanding of the Sacred Scriptures. Many have made themselves into owners and lords of the faith of others, with the only purpose of stripping them of their goods.” Alfredo Pérez.
-Advice well taken. Alfredo has reference to “TV preachers… the illuminated who believe they know everything… ideologues, the wise and the rich,” etc.
-Merlo, San Luís, Argentina. Jan. 31, 2014. “Really, I think the Web Page is very, but very good. Although this is just the third time I have accessed the site, I can see it is enormously interesting for the variety of subjects and the profoundness of the same. In addition, I could see you are against false ministers, making your case with a nobleness that is proper. Thanks for allowing me to be a member [that is, registered to receive info on new subjects added] and download material.” Ángel Gabriel Gras, pastor of the City of the King Church, of the Assemblies of God. Referer: ""
-Well, this is quite a complimentary statement by the pastor of an Assemblies of God church! The Referer points to the extensive content Page of the commentary on Revelation, where not only texts but also graphics are listed, by chapter, with corresponding links. Another content Page lists only texts of the commentary, and another is a listing of Portable Document Files (PDF). We have two chapters of the twelve chapter commentary converted to PDF, and will continue to work, Lord willing, on converting the rest, no small task, to be sure.
Internet Stats
January, 2014 (31 days)
-To 83,789
-To 198
-To 153
-To, for videos........................................................................................ 393
-Total visits.............................................................................................. 84,533
-Daily average of visits........................................................................................ 2,727
-Page views for all sites.............................................................................................. 162,380
Totals for the year 2014
-Total visits........................................................................................................................ 84,533
-Daily average for 31 days.................................................................................... 2,727
-Page views.................................................................................................................... 162,380
Grand Totals through January 31, 2014
-Grand Total of visits................................................................................................ 11,511,576
-Grand Total of Page Views (documents accessed by visitors)....................... 23,135,612
Archivos en PDF para el comentario Apocalipsis: análisis de las profecías y visiones.
[Files in PDF for the commentary “Revelation: Analysis of the Prophecies and Visions.”]
Archivos en PDF para el comentario Apocalipsis: análisis de las profecías y visiones. Iniciado el proceso de convertir en PDF todos los documentos que componen este comentario.
[Files in PDF for the commentary “Revelation: Analysis of the Prophecies and Visions.” The process of converting to PDF all the documents which compose this commentary has been initiated.]
El gran Diluvio en la Epopeya de Atrahasis, acadio para Noé.
[The great Flood in the Epic of Atrahasis, Accadian for Noah.]
La Epopeya de Atrahasis, el escrito mesopotámico más completo sobre el gran Diluvio. Catorce imágenes de gráficas y textos en PDF para clases bíblicas o mensajes en torno al gran Diluvio de Génesis 6-8. Instrucciones sobre cómo descargar y hacer uso del archivo en PDF. Atrahasis es Noé en acadio. Enki advierte a Atrahasis sobre el diluvio, dándole directrices sobre la construcción del arca. Se manifiesta el diluvio con gran violencia. Se desgarran los cielos. Se raja la tierra. Tempestades, clamor y oscuridad del diluvio, el que sobreviene a las gentes como una batalla. Sobreviviendo Atrahasis y los suyos, los dioses toman medidas para limitar la proliferación de la raza humana.
[The Epic of Atrahasis, the most complete Mesopotamian writing on the great Flood. Fourteen images of graphics and texts in PDF for Bible classes or sermons about the great Flood of Genesis 6 – 8. Instrucciones on how to download and make use of the file in PDF. Atrahasis is Noah, in Accadian. Enki warns Atrahasis about the flood, giving him guidelines on the construction of the ark. The flood comes on with great violence. The heavens are torn apart. The earth is split. Tempests, clamor and darkness of the flood, which comes upon the people like a battle. Seeing that Atrahasis and his family have survived the flood, the gods take measures to limit the proliferation of the human race.]
El mundo familiar-social-secular-religioso de Jesús de Nazaret: su vida desde los doce hasta los treinta años de edad.
[The family-social-secular-religious world of Jesus of Nazareth: his life from 12 to 30 years of age.]
Jesucristo en Jerusalén a los doce años de edad. Regreso a Nazaret vía Jericó. Lección 1 de la serie El mundo familiar-social-secular-religioso de Jesús de Nazaret: su vida desde los doce hasta los treinta años de edad. Viajes y lo que veía. Catorce imágenes de gráficas y textos en PDF. Clases bíblicas para jóvenes y adultos jóvenes. Estudios de interés aun para adultos y mayores de edad. Instrucciones sobre cómo descargar y hacer uso del archivo en PDF.
[Jesus Christ in Jerusalem at twelve years of age. Return to Nazareth via Jericho. Lesson 1 of the series “The family-social-secular-religious world of Jesus of Nazareth: His life from 12 to 30 years of age.” Trips and what he saw. Fourteen images of graphics and texts in PDF. Bible classes for young people and young adults. Studies of interest even for adults and older people. Instructions on how to download and use the file in PDF.] Note: I am teaching this material in classes for young people in the Bayamón, Puerto Rico congregation. Also using it in the School of Advanced Bible Studies. Many moral and spiritual applications are being drawn from it.
Ejemplos para nosotros
[Examples for us]
Israel librado de esclavitud en Egipto. Simbología de aquellos eventos y aplicaciones para el presente. Nueve imágenes en PDF disponibles a través de un carrusel de las imágenes. Gráficas impactantes, textos bíblicos, explicaciones y muchas aplicaciones a la actualidad. Este tema se presta para clases bíblicas, adaptable para distintas edades. También para un sermón. Integra la serie de estudios Ejemplos para nosotros. La Página incluye instrucciones sobre cómo usar la imágenes en PDF, incluso, pasos detallados para la preparación de su propia Presentación en PowerPoint.
[Israel is freed from slavery in Egypt. Symbolism of those events and aplications for the present. Nine images in PDF available by means of a carousel of the images. Striking graphics, Bible texts, explanations and many applications for the present. This subject lends itself for Bible classes and is adaptable for different ages. Also for a sermon. It is a part of the series of studies “Examples for us.” The Page includes instructions on how to use the images in PDF, including detailed steps for the preparation of your own Presentation in PowerPoint.]
La tablilla de Nippur aporta evidencias de un gran Diluvio. Traducción de la tablilla. En el idioma sumerio, Ziusudra es el nombre de Noé. Enki aconseja a Ziusudra que construya una gran embarcación para salvarse del diluvio devastador determinado por los dioses para destruir a la humanidad. Enorme tamaño de la embarcación. Acciones de Ziusudra. Destino de Ziusudra. Once imágenes de gráficas y textos en PDF para clases bíblicas o mensajes en torno al gran Diluvio de Génesis 6-8. Instrucciones sobre cómo descargar y hacer uso del archivo en PDF. Lista de otros estudios sobre el Diluvio en esta Web.
[The Nippur tablet offers evidences for the great Flood. Translation of the tablet (to Spanish). In the Sumerian language, Ziusudra is the name of Noah. Enki advises Ziusudra to construct a great ship in which to save himself from the devastating flood the gods have determined to cause for the destruction of humanity. The enormous size of the ship. Actions taken by Ziusudra. Ziusudra’s destiny. Eleven images of graphics and texts in PDF for Bible classes or sermons about the Flood of Genesis 6 – 8. Instructions on how to download and use the file in PDF. List of other studies on the Flood in this Web.] Note: I am teaching this series to combined classes on Wednesday nights in Bayamón.
"Todo lo puedo..." En momentos... alabad… "En esto pensad...” "Padre nuestro...” Textos y temas ilustrados para clases bíblicas, sermones, edificación personal, meditación y consuelo personal. Ocho imágenes hermosísimas en PDF disponibles mediante un carrusel de las imágenes. Después del carrusel, instrucciones sobre cómo hacer uso de este material en PDF, incluso, preparar su propia Presentación en PowerPoint.
[“I can do all things…” In Moments like these… praise… “Think on these things…” “Our Father…”Illustrated texts and subjects for Bible classes, sermons, personal edification, meditation and personal consolation. Eight very beautiful images in PDF available by means of a carousel of the images. After the carousel, instructions on how to make use of this material in PDF, including, how to prepare your own Presentation in PowerPoint.]
Cansado del camino. Cántico espiritual. Diez hermosas imágenes, en PDF mediante un Carrusel de las imágenes. Instrucciones sobre cómo preparar su propia Presentación gráfica. Otra opción: proyectar las imágenes directamente del Internet. Texto del cántico incluido en la Página.
[Tired of the Road. A spiritual song. Ten beautiful images, in PDF by means of a Carousel of the images. Instructions on how to prepare your own visual Presentation. Another option: Project the images directly from the Internet. The text of the song is included on the Page.]
Guías para clases bíblicas. Tres compilaciones.
[Guides for Bible Classes. Three sets.]
Guías para clases bíblicas. Compilación 1. Siete temas principales, con un total de quince lecciones para clases bíblicas adaptables a distintas edades. Los demonios y los endemoniados. ¿Deidad, trinidad o Jesús solo? Tenemos lucha contra... Sostenimiento para obreros de las iglesias de Cristo. El pecado original. El joven Jesucristo. La conversión de Cornelio, su familia y algunos amigos más íntimos.
[Guides for Bible Classes. Set 1. Seven principal subjects, with a total of fifteen lessons for Bible classes adaptable for different ages. Demons and those who had demons. Deity, Trinity or Jesus only? Our fight is with… Support for workers of churches of Christ. Original sin. The young Jesus. The conversion of Cornelius, his family and some of his intimate friends.]
Guías para clases bíblicas. Compilación 2. El amor: camino aún más excelente (tres lecciones). Estudiando y aplicando las enseñanzas del Espíritu Santo reveladas en 2 Tesalonicenses (cinco lecciones). "Sé ejemplo" -Una lección detallada sobre 1 Timoteo 4:12 y Tito: 2:6-8. "Sinceridad fidelidad a Cristo" -Una lección sobre 2 Corintios 11:1-21. La iglesia ideal: sus evangelistas (cuatro lecciones). Algunas de las lecciones traen Textos para el maestro.
[Guides for Bible Classes. Set 2. Love: the more excellent way (three lessons). Studying and applying the teachings of the Holy Spirit revealed in 2 Thessalonians (five lessons). “Be an example” –A detailed lesson on 1 Timothy 4:12 and Titus 2:6-8. “Sincere fidelity to Christ” –A lesson on 2 Corinthians 11:1-21. The ideal church: her evangelists (four lessons). Texts for the teacher have also been prepared for some of the lessons.]
Guías para clases bíblicas. Compilación 3. Los maestros de la biblia: diez cosas que deben hacer; diez que no deben hacer (una lección). Mente sana, corazón puro y alegre, alma santa y salva (tres lecciones). Ángeles y humanos (Guía para clases y texto para el maestro). El problema del dolor (Textos por C. S. Lewis y Guías para clases). Análisis de Romanos (cuatro lecciones, con Guías para clases y Textos para el maestro). "No juzguéis... Juzgad con justo juicio" (Una lección). La Predestinación (dos lecciones). "La creación" que aguarda "la manifestación de los hijos de Dios" (Romanos 8:19-25) (Guía para clases; Texto para el maestro). "Las señales de los tiempos" (tres lecciones).
[Guides for Bible Classes. Set 3. Bible teachers: ten things they should do; ten they should not do (one lesson). A sound mind, a pure and joyful heart, a soul that is holy and saved (three lessons). Angels and Humans (Guide for classes and text for the teacher). The problem of suffering (Texts by C. S. Lewis and Guides for classes). Analysis of Romans (four lessons, with Guides for clases and Texts for teachers). “Judge not… Judge with just judgment” (One lesson). Predestination (two lessons). “The creation” that awaits “the manifestation of the sons of God” (Romans 8:19-25. Guide for classes; text for the teacher). “Signs of the times” (three lessons).]
El gran Diluvio: escritos sumerios-mesopotámicos que corroboran el evento. Imágenes y textos en PDF para clases y sermones.
[The great Flood: Sumerian-Mesopotamian writings corroborate the event. Images and texts in PDF for classes and sermons.]
El gran Diluvio en la Epopeya de Gilgamesh, rey sumerio. Fotografía de la undécima tablilla de la Epopeya, la que contiene el texto sobre el Diluvio y el personaje de Upnapishtim, el Noé sumerio. Gilgamesh busca y encuentra a Upnapishtim. El Diluvio en el libro Mesopotamia, por Federico Lara Peinado. Catorce imágenes de gráficas y textos en PDF para clases bíblicas o mensajes en torno al gran Diluvio de Génesis 6-8. Desplegadas en un Carrusel de las imágenes. Instrucciones sobre cómo descargar y hacer uso del archivo en PDF.
[The great Flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Sumerian king. Photograph of the eleventh tablet of the Epic, containing the text on the Flood and Upnapishtim, the Sumerian Noah. Gilgamesh goes in search of and finds Upnapishtim. The Flood in the book “Mesopotamia,” by Federico Lara Peinado. Fourteen images of graphics and texts in PDF for Bible classes or sermons about the great Flood of Genesis 6 – 8. Shown in a Carousel of the images. Instructions on how to download and make use of the file in PDF.]
El gran Diluvio. Evidencias que aportan el Prisma Weld y el Manuscrito 2855, escritos antiguos sumerios-mesopotámicos. Listas de reyes y ciudades antediluvianos. Fotografías del Prisma Weld y de la Tablilla de Larsa (el Manuscrito 2855) que contiene una de las listas, con datos sobre ambos. Doce imágenes de gráficas y textos en PDF para clases bíblicas o mensajes en torno al gran Diluvio de Génesis 6-8. Instrucciones sobre cómo descargar y hacer uso del archivo en PDF.
[The great Flood. Evidences provided by the Weld Prism and Manuscript 2855, ancient Sumerian-Mesopotamian writings. Lists of pre-flood kings and cities. Photographs of the Weld Prism and the Larsa Tablet (Manuscript 2855) that contain one of these lists, with dates for both. Twelve images of graphics and texts in PDF for Bible classes or sermons about the great Flood of Genesis 6 – 8. Instructions on how to download and make use of the file in PDF.]
Jesucristo joven –Tres lecciones
[The young Jesus Christ –Three lessons]
Note: These three lessons are text only, and were developed a few years before the new, PowerPoint series on the young Jesus Christ, from 12 to 30 years of age. They are complementary to the new series, and we suggest teachers read them before teaching the new series, another option being to incorporate them into the new series. Also note: The entries for January, 2014, as for all months, are in order of their addition to the sites, the first entry at the top of the list being the last one added for the month.
Jesucristo joven. Creciendo en estatura, sabiduría y gracia. Cuestiones de aspecto físico y complejos. Lección 2 de la serie Además de niño, Cristo fue adolescente y joven antes de ser adulto. ¿Cómo puede el joven alcanzar sabiduría? ¿Qué es más importante: crecer en estatura o crecer en sabiduría? ¿Cómo era el aspecto físico del joven Jesús? Jóvenes acomplejados por su apariencia física. Venciendo complejos. Belleza de carácter, personalidad y espíritu. Peligros de la belleza física. Significado y aplicación de crecer en gracia. Preguntas y ejercicios para el desarrollo del estudio.
[The Young Jesus Christ. Growing in statue, wisdom and grace. Matters of physical appearance and complexes. Lesson 2 of the series: “In addition to being a child, Christ was an adolescent and youth before becoming an adult.” How can a young person acquire wisdom? What is more important: growing in statue or growing in wisdom? What did the young Jesus Christ look like physically? Young people with complexes about their physical appearance. Overcoming complexes. Beauty of character, personality and spirit. Dangers of physical beauty. Meaning and application of growing in grace. Questions and exercises for the development of the study.]
Jesucristo joven: su desarrollo emocional, impulsos naturales y tentaciones que confrontara. Lección 3 de la serie Además de niño, Cristo fue adolescente y joven antes de ser adulto. Tentado en todo según nuestra semejanza, y por lo tanto, tentado durante su juventud. Participó de carne y sangre como joven, y por consiguiente, entiende las dificultades y tentaciones del joven medio. No pasó su juventud entre cuatro paredes o estudiando día y noche en alguna sinagoga. Hizo muchos viajes a Jerusalén, viendo y experimentando lo mismo que otros cientos de miles de peregrinos israelitas. En Jerusalén, ciudad cosmopolita, fue expuesto a gentes de distintas culturas. Contacto social con doncellas israelitas de la época. Pensamientos sobre noviazgo y matrimonio. Porque nunca se casó. El socorro espiritual-moral que Jesús ofrece a jóvenes. Acercándose a él confiadamente.
[The young Jesus Christ: His emotional development, natural impulses and temptations he may have confronted. Lesson 3 of the series: “In addition to being a child, Christ was an adolescent and youth before becoming an adult.” Tempted in all things according to our nature, and therefore, tempted during his youth. Being flesh and blood as a youth, as a result he understands the difficulties and temptations of the average youth. He made many trips to Jerusalem, seeing and experiencing the same things as other hundreds of thousands of Israelite pilgrims. In Jerusalem, a cosmopolitan city, he was exposed to peoples of different cultures. Social contact with Israelite young ladies of the period. Thoughts about being engaged and matrimony. Why he never married. The spiritual-moral help Jesus offers young people. Confidently approaching him.]
En esta pintura de la familia terrenal de Jesucristo aparecen María, su madre terrenal, José, su padrastro, más sus hermanos, representación realista de acuerdo con información revelada en Mateo 13:53-58.
[In this painting of the earthly family of Jesus Christ, we see Mary, his earthy mother, Joseph, his step-father, plus some of his brothers and sisters, a realistic representation according to information revealed in Matthew 13:53-58.
Jesucristo joven. ¡Viaje de Nazaret a Jerusalén todos los años! La familia terrenal de Jesús. La relación padrastro-hijastro. Lección 1 de la serie Además de niño, Cristo fue adolescente y joven antes de ser adulto. Estudio basado en Lucas 2:39 y 41, con textos relevantes. Orientaciones sobre la familia terrenal del joven Jesucristo. Relaciones entre él, sus padres y hermanos. Viajes que hacía la familia de Nazaret a Jerusalén cada año. Preguntas y ejercicios para el desarrollo del estudio. Algunas notas y sugerencias para maestros.
[The Young Jesus Christ. He travels from Nazareth to Jerusalem every year! The earthly family of Jesus. The step-father/step-child relationship. Lesson 1 of the series: “In addition to being a child, Christ was an adolescent and youth before becoming an adult.” Study based on Luke 2:39 and 41, with relevant texts. Orientations on the earthly family of the young Jesus Christ. Relationships between him, his parents and brothers. Trips the family made from Nazareth to Jerusalem every year. Questions and exercises for the development of the study. Some notes and suggestions for teachers.]
Eventos del pasado y del futuro que me incentivan a andar derechito en el presente. Una serie de temas preparados en PowerPoint, disponibles en PDF, para clases bíblicas, conferencias o sermones. Veintenas de imágenes (diapositivas). Sobre el gran Diluvio. Escritos sumerios y mesopotámicos que testifican el evento. También artículos que contienen información relevante. Materias de mucho interés para jóvenes, adultos jóvenes y aun mayores de edad.
[Events of the past and the future that motivate me to walk a straight line in the present. A series of subjects prepared in PowerPoint, available in PDF, for Bible classes, conferences or sermons. Scores of images (slides). On the great Flood. Sumerian and Mesopotamian writings that testify to the event. Also articles that contain additional information. Materials of much interest to youth, young adults and even older people.] Note: This Page contains a list, with links, of the subjects, lessons and related materials making up this series. The first Past Event was the great Flood, with its counterpart Future Event being the destruction of the earth by fine. The second Past Event is the destruction of Sodom and the other cities of the plain.
El gran Diluvio. Lista de temas preparados en PowerPoint y escritos relevantes, todo en esta Web. PDFs y cómo usarlos. Carruseles de veintenas de imágenes compuestas de gráficas y textos. El Diluvio: ¿realidad del pasado o mito del Próximo Oriente? Introducción y Casos de burladores. Evidencias para el Diluvio de Génesis que aportan escritos antiguos sumerios-mesopotámicos tales como la Epopeya de Gilgamesh, el Prisma Weld, el Manuscrito 2855, la Tablilla de Nippur, etcétera.
[The great Flood. A list of subjects prepared in PowerPoint, plus relevant articles, all in this Web. PDF’s and how to use them. Carousels of scores of images composed of graphics and texts. The Flood: reality of the past or Near East myth? Introduction and Cases of scoffers. Evidences for the Genesis Flood provided by ancient Sumerian-Mesopotamian writings such as the Gilgamesh Epic, the Weld Prism, Manuscript 2855, the Nippur Tablet, etc.]
Sermón: ¡GLORIOSO!
[Sermon: “GLORIOUS!”]
Sermón: ¡GLORIOSO! Texto completo, con catorce imágenes de gráficas y texto insertadas en el texto. Estas imágenes también están disponibles en PDF para la proyección digital. Categoría sofisticada de adjetivos a la cual pertenece “glorioso”. Uso terrenal de estos adjetivos. ¿Dónde encontrar cosas o personas gloriosas? Ejemplo del rey Herodes Agripa: recibe gloria de los hombres. Su castigo severo. Glorioso evangelio. Glorioso ministerio del Espíritu. Iglesia gloriosa. Atributos gloriosos y obras gloriosas. Siervos del Señor son gloria de Cristo. Transformados de gloria en gloria. ¿Cómo? Mirando a cara descubierta la gloria de Cristo en la perfecta ley de libertad. Libertad gloriosa de los hijos de Dios. Cuerpo resucitado glorioso. En busca de gloria y honra e inmortalidad. Muchas aplicaciones a la actualidad.
[Sermon: “GLORIOUS!” Complete text, with fourteen images of graphics and texts inserted in the text. These images are also available in PDF for digital projection. The sophisticated category of adjectives to which “glorious” belongs. Worldly use of these adjectives. Where to find glorious things or glorious people? Example of king Herod Agrippa: He received the glory of men. His severe punishment. The glorious gospel. The glorious ministry of the Spirit. The glorious church. Glorious attributes and glorious works. Servants of the Lord are the glory of Christ. Transformed from glory to glory. How? Looking with unveiled face at the glory of Christ in the perfect law of liberty. Glorious liberty of the sons of God. Glorious resurrected body. Seeking glory, honor and inmortality. Many applications for the present.] Note: This is a sermon I preached the first Sunday of 2014 in Bayamón, Puerto Rico.
Sermón: ¡GLORIOSO! Catorce imágenes en PDF para este mensaje. Disponibles a través de un Carrusel de Imágenes, con solo hacer click en cualquiera de las imágenes. Después del Carrusel, instrucciones sobre cómo usar las imágenes, incluso, la preparación de su propia Presentación en PowerPoint. Texto completo para el mensaje ¡GLORIOSO!
[Sermon: “GLORIOUS!” Fourteen images in PDF for this message. Available through a Carousel of images, by just clicking on any one of the images. After the Carousel, instructions on how to use the images, including, the preparation of your own Presentation in PowerPoint. Complete text of the message “GLORIOUS!”
El gran Diluvio. ¿Realidad del pasado o mito del Próximo Oriente? Dieciséis imágenes de gráficas y textos en PDF para clases bíblicas o mensajes.
[The great Flood. Reality of the past or myth of the Near East. Sixteen images of graphics and texts in PDF for Bible classes or sermons.]
El gran Diluvio. ¿Realidad del pasado o mito del Próximo Oriente? Dieciséis imágenes de gráficas y textos en PDF para clases bíblicas o mensajes en torno al Diluvio de Génesis 6-8. ¿Cree usted que aquel Diluvio fuera un evento real? ¿Fue local o universal? ¿Cuáles son sus razones para creer o no creer? Ejemplos de burladores del pasado y del presente. Introducción y orientaciones para una serie de estudios ilustrados sobre estos temas. Instrucciones sobre cómo descargar y hacer uso del archivo en PDF. Exposición relevante: El Diluvio en escritos sumerios y mesopotámicos.
[The great Flood. Reality of the past or myth of the Near East? Sixteen images of graphics and texts in PDF for Bible classes or sermons on the Flood of Genesis 6 – 8. Do you believe that Flood was a real event? Was it local or worldwide? What are your reasons for believing, or not believing? Examples of scoffers of the past and present. Introduction and orientations for the series of illustrated studies on these subjects. Instructions on how to download and make use of the file in PDF. Relevant exposition: The Flood in Sumerian and Mesopotamian Writings.] Note: This is the first in a series of five studies focusing on the Flood. A total of Sixty-seven PowerPoint slides were prepared for the series.
¡A combatir!, resuena la guerrera voz del buen Jesús. Himno en PDF, disponible mediante un Carrusel de las siete imágenes. Después del Carrusel, instrucciones sobre cómo usar las imágenes, incluso, la preparación de su propia Presentación en PowerPoint.
[To the fight, resounds the battle voice of the good Jesus. Hymn in PDF, available through a Carousel of seven images. After the Carousel, instructions on how to use the images, including, the preparation of your own Presentation in PowerPoint.]
Historia de la iglesia de Cristo en Jerusalén. Hechos 5.
[History of the church of Christ in Jerusalem. Acts 5.]
Historia de la iglesia de Cristo en Jerusalén. Unidad y liberalidad extraordinarias de aquella gran congregación. Cristianos venden propiedades y herencias para socorrer a menesterosos. La iglesia crece fenomenalmente. Ananías y Safira mienten al Espíritu Santo, sufriendo, uno tras el otro, un castigo celestial fulminante: ¡caen muertos a los pies de los apóstoles! Saduceos y sacerdotes encarcelan a los apóstoles. Estos son libertados milagrosamente. Llevados al tribunal, se defienden diciendo que es menester obedecer a Dios antes que a los hombres. Sus enemigos en el concilio judío quieren ajusticiarlos. Gamaliel, doctor de la ley, interviene con consejos sabios, evitando semejante fin. “Y ellos partieron de delante del concilio, gozosos de que fuesen tenidos por dignos de padecer afrenta por el Nombre. Y todos los días, en el templo y por las casas, no cesaban de enseñar y predicar a Jesucristo.” Comentario de McGarvey sobre Hechos 4:32-37 y Hechos 5:1-42.
[History of the church of Christ in Jerusalem. Extraordinary unity and liberality of that great congregation. Christians sell their properties and inheritances to help the needy. The church grows phenomenally. Ananias and Sapphira lie to the Holy Spirit, suffering, one after the other, an overpowering punishment from Heaven: They fall dead at the feat of the apostles! Saducees and priests jail the apostles. These are miraculously freed. Taken before the tribunal, they defend themselves, saying it is more important to obey God than men. Their enemies in the Jewish council want to kill them. Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, intervenes with wise counsel, avoiding such an outcome. “As they left the council, they rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name. And every day in the temple and at home they did not cease to teach and proclaim Jesus as the Messiah.” Commentary by J. W. McGarvey on Acts 4:32-37 and Acts 5:1-42.] Note: The whole commentary is on For some technical reason, this part of it could not be accessed. I redid it and made it available.
This is a listing of the entries for January, 2014. Needless to say, the real work was in the preparation of the materials listed.
Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
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