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Report from Dewayne and Rita Shappley
December 26, 2015
Three elders and three deacons appointed for the Bayamon, Puerto Rico congregation
This historic event for the congregation took place Sunday, December 06, 2015, in a ceremony conducted after the worship service, with 126 in attendance.
Left to right
José Álamo Salgado, Luis Sardina Vega and Alfonso Estrella Sánchez
Left to right
José Juan Álamo Báez, Rafael Torres Burgos and Jorge Ginés López
Elders and Deacons together
The total number of years these six men have been members of the church of Christ is 197, for an average of 33.
José Juan Álamo Báez, deacon (extreme left), is the son of José Álamo Salgado, elder (extreme right).
All six men preach, teach classes and direct worship services.
Rafael Torres (second from left), Jorge Ginés (third from left) and Alfonso Estrella (fifth from left) are also capable song leaders.
Deacons on the left, elders on the right and Dewayne Shappley, evangelist, in the center.
The church in Bayamon had its beginning in the living room of the Dewayne and Rita Shappley residence some 47 years ago.
After the naming of the three elders and three deacons, we also requested Cristóbal Massa Díaz and Jorge Ginés Fonseca to join us at the front of the building. They are on the left, with their immediate families. These men are two of the six who lead the Bayamon congregation for the previous 15 years, or so. Cristóbal had served in a leadership capacity for long years before that. Our purpose was to honor both, and their families, for their considerable contributions to the development of the congregation.
At the far right end of the line are George Rieckehoff and Ramón Vargas Alicea. George has been a preacher, teacher and song-leader in the congregation for more than 30 years. Ramón, after several years in the Bayamon church, worked a number of years with the church in Barrio Higuillar, Dorado, Puerto Rico, while continuing in his secular occupation. After retiring, he and his wife, Nellie, began spending several months each year in Chicago with their three children who had moved there, and actively participate in the Spanish work in South Chicago when in that city. When they are back in Puerto Rico, Ramón often preaches and teaches classes in the Bayamon church. We wanted to honor both George and Ramon for their substantial contributions to the congregation in Bayamon.
At the extreme right, I am standing a little in front of George and Ramon.
The entire ceremony was reviewed and approved by the outgoing, six-man leadership before being implemented.
In a report to follow this one, Lord willing, I would like to present more pictures, plus additional information on the men named and the ceremony itself. The CD of pictures was given to us Dec. 16. The next day, Rita and I flew from San Juan to Fort Lauderdale, where we are at the present time, enjoying these days with Antonio, his family and the church family at West Broward.
May you and your loved ones have a happy and safe holiday season.
With Christian love and genuine appreciation for all you do on our behalf and the work we carry on,
Dewayne and Rita Shappley
PS In addition to this naming of elders and deacons in Bayamon, there are several more news-worthy items I hope to share with you soon.
Complete Stats on materials produced by the Shappley’s and Fruits registered
Links to previous reports, beginning with 2008, are also on the above Page.
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