-“Señales de los tiempos” Muchas, por fecha
Barack Obama y altos oficiales de su administración respaldan el matrimonio gay
Obama y Joseph Biden
250 lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y travestidos en la rama ejecutiva de la Administración Obama-Biden
-El presidente Barack Obama. “El miércoles, el presidente Obama endosó matrimonios del mismo sexo, convirtiéndose en el primer presidente en funciones de Estados Unidos de América a tomar referida posición…” www.FoxNews.com Publicado 9 de mayo de 2012.
-El vicepresidente Joseph Biden. “Estoy absolutamente cómodo con el hecho de que hombres que se casan con hombres, mujeres que se casan con mujeres y tanto hombres como mujeres heterosexuales tienen exactamente los mismos derechos, todos los derechos civiles, todas las libertades civiles”, dijo en ‘Meet the Press’ de NBC. “Y muy francamente, percibo poca distinción más allá de eso mismo.” www.FoxNews.com Publicado 6 de mayo de 2012.
Arne Duncan, Secretario de Educaci'on
-Arne Duncan, Secretario de Educación, apoya el matrimonio gay. “En una entrevista televisada el lunes, Arne Duncan, Secretario de Educación, dijo inequívocamente que respalda el matrimonio gay. Preguntado que si piensa que las parejas gay deberían poder casarse legalmente, dijo: ‘Sí, así pienso’.” Publicado 07 de mayo de 2012 www.FoxNews.com
Shaun Donovan, Secretario de Vivienda
-Shaun Donovan, Secretario de Vivienda, se declaró a favor del matrimonio gay en el otoño de 2011. Publicado 07 de mayo de 2012 www.FoxNews.com
Hilary Rosen, asistente al presidente
Barack Obama, presidente de EE UU
Ann Romney, esposa de Mitt Romney, candidato republicano a la
-Hilary Rosen, estratega del Partido Democrático, es lesbiana. “Rosen, quien tiene gemelos con su ex compañera Elizabeth Birch, dijo que estaba tratando de hablar acerca de problemáticas económicas, añadiendo entonces: ‘La campaña de esta temporada va a ser fea’. 13 de abril de 2012. www.FoxNews.com
-Se desprende que Hilary Rosen se separara o se divorciara de su “ex compañera Elizabeth Birch” después de adoptar la pareja lesbiana a gemelos.
-Hilary Rosen habló despectivamente de Ann Romney, esposa de Mitt Romney, candidato republicano a la presidencia, y fue criticada duramente aun por algunos de su propio partido. Intentó justificarse diciendo lo de estar “tratando de hablar acerca de problemáticas económicas”.
Las letras “LGBT” son el acrónimo de “Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Travestidos”.
250 lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y travestidos en la rama ejecutiva de la Administración Obama-Biden
Traducción de información publicada en inglés en el sitio de Internet de…
“Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute”
“Proyecto Nombramientos Presidenciales
Ayude al presidente a guiar a la nación.
El Proyecto Nombramientos Presidenciales, dirigido por el Instituto de Victoria Gay y Lesbiana, sirve como un depósito de talento para profesionales abiertamente LGBT en busca de oportunidades para mejorar las pólizas y los procedimientos de nuestro gobierno federal.
Bien sea usted un recién graduado o un profesional experimentado, de haber usted considerado alguna vez server al público, este es el tiempo para compartir su pericia y dar a nuestra comunidad una voz en la mesa de deliberaciones.
Además de posiciones a tiempo completo por nombramiento, hay oportunidades para servir en juntas, comités de consejería y grupos a través del país que revisan subvenciones. Estas entidades hacen recomendaciones sobre cómo el gobierno puede trabajar mejor, más inteligentemente y más efectivamente.
Hasta la fecha, la Administración Obama-Biden ha nombrado a más de 250 profesionales abiertamente LGBT a posiciones de tiempo completo o de asesoría en la rama ejecutiva; más de todos los nombramientos LGBT de todas las administraciones presidenciales anteriores englobadas.”
-Notas del traductor HSdeÁ.
1. Sigue al último párrafo de lo anterior el listado de 250 nombres de LGBT que lo son abiertamente, con las posiciones que ocupan en la rama ejecutiva de Obama-Biden. Ver el listado al final de este artículo.
2. Ya que Jesucristo forja un enlace entre las circunstancias de Sodoma y Gomorra en el tiempo de Lot y “el día en que el Hijo del Hombre se manifieste”, deducimos que la práctica común de sodomía sea también un rasgo de los días previos a la Segunda Venida del Señor. De ser así, interpretaríamos el auge explosivo de la sodomía (LGBT) en nuestros días como indubitable señal del acercamiento de tiempos aún más corruptos moralmente y de oposición creciente al Dios Creador, su definición de relaciones sexuales sanas entre varones y hembras, su denuncia inequívoca del homosexualismo y otras relaciones íntimas innaturales (Romanos 1:18-32). Cristo dijo, según Lucas 17:28-30:
28 Asimismo como sucedió en los días de Lot; comían, bebían, compraban, vendían, plantaban, edificaban; 29 mas el día en que Lot salió de Sodoma, llovió del cielo fuego y azufre, y los destruyó a todos. 30 Así será el día en que el Hijo del Hombre se manifieste.”
3. El posicionamiento de tantos LGBT en la rama ejecutiva de la Administración Obama-Biden y la agenda de legalizar relaciones sociales-sexuales innaturales también nos hacen recordar la profecía de Apocalipsis 16:13-14.
“Y vi salir de la boca del dragón, y de la boca de la bestia, y de la boca del falso profeta, tres espíritus inmundos a manera de ranas; pues son espíritus de demonios, que hacen señales, y van a los reyes de la tierra en todo el mundo, para reunirlos a la batalla de aquel gran día del Dios Todopoderoso.”
Siendo el “dragón” la representación de Satanás, “la bestia”, la de gobernantes engañados por el mal, y el “falso profeta” el símbolo de la falsa religión confabulada con el “dragón” y “la bestia”, los “tres espíritus inmundos” que salen de ellos para engañar “a los reyes de la tierra”, entiéndase los gobernantes de las naciones, representarían, por inferencia, precisamente a oficiales y asesores en posiciones de poder e influencia que abogaran conductas, filosofías, derechos y libertades contrarios a los que estableció el Dios Creador para los seres humanos que él mismo concibió y creó, no sin antes fijar para ellos sus propios designios.
-Nos fijamos muy atentamente en la declaración de misión que hace la poderosa organización de LGBT llamada Instituto de Victoria Gay y Lesbiana”, a saber, ayudar “al presidente a guiar a la nación”; “…mejorar las pólizas y los procedimientos de nuestro gobierno federal… …dar a nuestra comunidad una voz en la mesa de deliberaciones”. O sea, promover pública y oficialmente, mediante ocupar posiciones de poder e influencia en el gobierno, la causa LGBT. Utilizar salarios, oficinas, maquinarias y todo recurso posible del gobierno federal para su agenda a favor de relaciones sociales-sexuales innaturales.
-Y están logrando su misión a pasos agigantados.
-¿Hacia dónde nos llevará este derrotero si no se frena, y quién será capaz de refrenarlo?
-Opinamos que nos está llevando inexorablemente hacia el fin del Milenio (época, tiempo) de libertad religiosa y la entrada plena del “poco de tiempo” que antedata la Segunda Venida de Jesucristo. “…tiempo…” de opresión del verdadero pueblo de Dios, durante el que gobernantes, engañados por interpretaciones distorsionadas e irrazonables de derechos personales y civiles, de libertades constitucionales, de discriminación y tolerancia también llevadas a extremos absurdos, comiencen a oponerse abierta, aun oficialmente, al Dios Creador, interviniendo en cualquier iglesia que no se someta a su agenda. Ya se escuchan no pocos gritos de “persecución religiosa”, “discriminación religiosa”, “discriminación invertida”, “presión gubernamental sobre organizaciones religiosas-morales para que acepten agendas sociales-morales promovidas secular y políticamente”, etcétera.
-Quizás más pronto que tarde se elija un presidente gay, o una presidenta lesbiana. Tal estilo de vida va ligada, naturalmente, con el ateísmo. Así que, un presidente gay-ateo, o una presidenta lesbiana-atea, bien pudiera ocupar en el futuro no muy lejano la Casa Blanca, suceso que auguraría, certeramente, resistencia muchísimo más fuerte contra Dios y su pueblo leal. Aprobando la mayoría de los ciudadanos el matrimonio gay y siendo atea o irreligiosa gran parte de la población, tal escenario no es improbable de modo alguno.
-¿Quién es capaz de refrenar este derrotero? Pienso que el más capacitado sería el cristiano bien maduro, espiritual e intelectualmente preparado para arrebatar los argumentos y sofismos de la inteligencia LGBT (lesbiana, gay, bisexual, travestido) en apoyo de su orientación sexual, estilo de vida, filosofía moral-civil e interpretaciones de Dios y Biblia. El cristiano que poseyere no solo el conocimiento necesario para tal encuentro retador sino el testimonio moral y la consecuencia doctrinal que respaldaran su batalla para lograr hacer cambiar de parecer a los LGBT. No el “cristiano” egocéntrico, sensacionalista, indisciplinado, materialista, inmoral, hipócrita, sino el sincero, genuino, recto, serio y acatador de la “sana doctrina” de Cristo (2 Juan 9-11). El que toma una posición bien definida bíblicamente frente a los LGBT que apelan a Dios, Biblia, amor, derechos, libertades en defensa de su orientación sexual, manteniéndola con poder irresistible, gracia y dignidad. En fin, no solo el que dice creer sino que también ha cambiado el rumbo de su vida, arrepintiéndose, confesando el nombre de Cristo delante de los hombres, bautizándose por inmersión “para perdón de los pecados” (Hechos 2:37-47), y perseverando en santa manera de vivir.
Listado de 250 LGBT en la Administración Obama-Biden
Copiado de “Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute” www.glli.org/presidential
Executive Office of the President |
Raul Alvillar |
Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement, Office of the Vice President |
Anthony Bernal |
Director of Scheduling/Trip Director, Dr. Jill Biden, Office of the Vice President |
Jeremy Bernard |
Social Secretary, The White House |
Michael P. Botticelli** |
Deputy Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy |
Brook Colangelo |
Chief Information Officer, Office of Administration |
Grant Colfax |
Director, White House Office of National AIDS Policy |
Jeffrey Crowley |
Director, Office of National AIDS Policy, The White House |
Ashlee Davis |
Staff Assistant, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House |
Monique Dorsainvil |
Deputy Director of Advance and Special Events, Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs |
Mark A. Doumet |
Special Assistant, Office of White House Counsel, The White House |
Carlos Elizondo |
Residence Manager & Social Secretary to the Vice President & Dr. Biden, Office of the Vice President |
Alan O. Fitts |
Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director, Office of the First Lady |
Kathleen Hartnett |
Associate Counsel to the President and Special Assistant to the President, The White House |
Shin Inouye |
Director, Specialty Media, Office of Communications, The White House |
Brad Kiley |
Director, Office of Management and Administration, The White House |
Kei Koizumi |
Assistant Director for Federal Research and Development, Office of Science and Technology Policy |
Matthew G. Lawrence |
Press Assistant, Office of the United States Trade Representative |
Jeffrey Lerner |
Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs, The White House |
Anthony Macri |
Office of Public Affairs, The White House |
Denise Maes |
Director of Administration, Office of the Vice President |
Ryan Metcalf |
Assistant to the Ambassador, Office of the United States Trade Representative |
Greg Millett |
Senior Policy Advisor, Office of National AIDS Policy, The White House |
Dave Noble |
Special Assistant to the President, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House |
Diana Noyes |
Researcher, Office of the White House Counsel, The White House |
Gautam Raghavan |
Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, The White House |
Ellie Sue Schafer |
Director, White House Visitors Office, The White House |
Campbell Spencer |
Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs, The White House |
Everette Stubbs |
Deputy Director, White House Visitors Center, The White House |
Nancy Sutley* |
Chair, Council on Environmental Quality |
Chris Van Es |
Staff Assistant, Office of the First Lady |
Kamala Vasagam |
Special Assistant to the President, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House |
Frederick Loo Wong |
Staff Assistant, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House |
Brian Bond |
Deputy Director, Office of Public Engagement, The White House |
Ebs Burnough |
Deputy Social Secretary, Office of the First Lady, The White House |
Karine Jean-Pierre |
Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs, The White House |
Zach Liscow |
Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers |
Alison Nathan |
Associate Counsel to the President, The White House |
Zachary A. Portilla |
Assistant, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House |
Moe Vela |
Director of Operations, Office of the Vice President |
William Woolston |
Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers |
Presidential Boards and Commissions |
Roberta Achtenberg |
Commissioner, United States Commission on Civil Rights |
Cynthia Attwood* |
Commissioner, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission |
Cornelius Baker |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Praveen Basaviah |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Bruce Bastian |
Member, President's Advisory Committee on the Arts for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts |
Douglas Brooks |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
John Coppola* |
Member, National Museum and Library Services Board |
Humberto Cruz |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Chai Feldblum* |
Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
Michael Fleming |
Member, Council for Community Solutions |
Brenda S. "Sue" Fulton |
Member, Board of Visitors to the United States Military Academy |
Robert Greenwald |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Michael E. Guest |
Member, National Security Education Board |
Steve Gunderson |
Commissioner, President's Commission on White House Fellows |
Tom Healy |
Member, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board |
Michael Horberg |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Ejay Jack |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Jack Jackson |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Billie Jean King |
Member, President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition |
James Kolbe |
Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations |
Reginald Lewis |
Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars |
Robert M. Saltzman |
Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars |
Kenneth Tolson |
Member, President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities |
Hector L. Vargas, Jr. |
Commissioner, President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders |
George B. Walker, Jr. |
Member, President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities |
Nancy L. Wilson |
Member, President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships |
Phil Wilson |
Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS |
Fred Davie |
Member, President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships |
Harry Knox |
Member, President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships |
Department of Agriculture |
H. T. Atkinson |
Senior Energy Advisor to Undersecretary of Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services |
Justin DeJong |
Director of Public Affairs, Office of Communications |
Norah Deluhery |
Special Assistant to the Under Secretary, Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services |
Glenda Humiston |
State Director for Rural Development, California |
Tony Jackson |
Director of External Affairs, Farm Service Agency |
Carole Jett |
Deputy Chief of Staff |
Michael Martinez |
Special Assistant |
Michael Martinez |
Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights |
Ven Neralla |
Director of Congressional Affairs, Research, Education and Economics |
Tom Fazzini |
Press Secretary |
Jesse Salazar |
Legislative Analyst, Office of Congressional Relations, Office of the Secretary |
Department of Commerce |
Al Boudlin |
Member, Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee, International Trade Administration |
Michael Camuñez* |
Assistant Secretary, Market Access and Compliance |
Lyle Canceko |
Director of Outreach and Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Secretary |
John Connor |
Director, Office of White House Liaison |
Gary Gates |
Member, Census Scientific Advisory Committee |
Peter Kaldes |
Director, Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs, International Trade Administration |
David Mills* |
Assistant Secretary, Export Enforcement |
Peter Pappas |
Chief Communications Officer, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office |
Ryan Rhodes |
Special Advisor, U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service |
Jim Stowers |
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs |
Benjamin Walther |
Member, International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna Technical Advisory Committee, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration |
Department of Defense |
Margarethe Cammermeyer |
Member, Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services |
Tanisha Dozier |
Defense Fellow |
Eric Fanning |
Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy/Deputy Chief Management Officer |
Christopher Kirchhoff |
Special Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of Defense |
Jonathan Lee |
Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense |
Joseph Palacios |
Member, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, Board of Visitors |
Luke Schleusener |
Research Assistant, Speechwriting Group, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense |
Tarak Shah |
Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs |
Amanda Simpson |
Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logisitics, and Technology |
Louis Tharp |
Member, Army Education Advisory Committee |
Alex Wagner |
Special Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense |
Alex Wagner |
Special Advisor for Rule of Law and Detainee Policy |
Douglas B. Wilson* |
Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs |
Department of Education |
Ruthanne Buck |
Chief of Staff, Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs |
John Easton* |
Director, Institute of Education Sciences |
Kyle Flood |
Confidential Assistant, Office of the General Counsel |
Steven Hicks |
Special Assistant, Early Childhood, Office of the Secretary |
Robert Kim |
Senior Counsel, Office for Civil Rights |
Steven Means |
Senior Policy Advisor, Special Assistant, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education |
Jon O'Bergh |
Special Assistant to the Under Secretary |
Michael Yudin |
Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education |
Marten Frazier |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Western |
Adam Hackel |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic |
Kevin Jennings |
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools |
Andy Lee |
Chief of Staff, Office of Innovation and Improvement |
Janet Levenson |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Western |
Henry Lo |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Western |
Robert McGarry |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic |
Summer Pennell |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Southeastern |
Brett Peterson |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Western |
Ken Santistevan |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Central |
Patrick Shaw |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic |
Graciela Slesaransky-Poe |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic |
Erik Stegman |
Policy Advisor, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools |
Alena Treat |
Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Southeastern |
Department of Energy |
Clyde Henderson, III |
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental & External Affairs |
Michael J. Holland |
Senior Advisor & Staff Director, Office of Under Secretary for Science |
Holmes Hummel |
Senior Advisor, Policy and International Affairs |
Alexander Sewell |
Special Assistant, Office of Advance & Scheduling |
Steven Robert Thai |
Press Assistant, Office of Public Affairs |
Natalie Fernandez |
Trips Coordinator |
Kristina M. Johnson* |
Under Secretary of Energy |
Peter Roehrig |
Special Assistant, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
Department of Health and Human Services |
Ken Choe |
Deputy General Counsel |
Jesus "Jesse" Garcia |
Special Assistant, Office of Public Affairs, Administration for Children and Families |
Kathy Greenlee* |
Assistant Secretary, Administration for Aging |
Perry Halkitis |
Member, CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention and Treatment |
Sarah Hunter |
Special Assistant, Administration for Children and Families |
Pamela Hyde* |
Administrator, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration |
Jeffrey Levi |
Member, Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health |
Henry Ng |
Member, National Advisory Council, Healthcare Research and Quality |
Jesus Ramirez-Valles |
Member, National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities |
David Roberts |
Member, Advisory Panel on Outreach and Education, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |
Herb Schultz |
Director of Region IX |
Richard Sorian*** |
Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs |
Elisabeth B. Wilson |
Member, Negotiated Rulemaking Committee for Designation of Medically Underserved Populations and Primary Care Health Professions Shortage Areas |
Jamison Citron |
Confidential Assistant, Office of the White House Liaison |
David Hansell |
Acting Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families |
Department of Homeland Security |
Matt Angelo |
Special Assistant, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary |
Philip McNamara |
Executive Secretary, Office of the Executive Secretariat |
Matt Adler |
Special Assistant to the Director, Citizenship and Immigration Services |
Daniel H. Hantman |
Senior Counselor to the Director, Citizenship and Immigration Services |
Jeffrey Neal |
Chief Human Capital Officer |
Department of Housing and Urban Development |
Alejandro Aviles |
Congressional Liaison Officer, Office of the Secretary |
Raphael Bostic* |
Assistant Secretary, Policy Development and Research |
Neill McG. Coleman |
Chief External Affairs Officer, Office of Public Affairs |
Jennifer C. Jones |
Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing |
Mercedes Marquez* |
Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development |
Patrick Pontius |
Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research |
Department of Justice |
Mark Agrast |
Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs |
Judy Appelbaum |
Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs |
Laura Duffy* |
U.S. Attorney, Southern District of California |
Jenny Durkan* |
U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington |
Michael Hughes* |
U.S. Marshal |
Karen A. Lash |
Senior Counsel for Access to Justice |
Sharon Lubinski* |
U.S. Marshal |
Benjamin C. Mizer |
Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel |
Matt Nosanchuk |
Senior Counselor, Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division |
Paulo C. Palugod |
Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division |
Robert Lee Pitman* |
U.S. Attorney, Western District of Texas |
Mitchell Rivard |
Press Assistant, Office of Public Affairs |
Anne M. Tompkins* |
U.S. Attorney, Western District of North Carolina |
Beatrice Hanson (nomination withdrawn) |
Director, Office for Victims of Crime |
Department of Labor |
Jeremy Bishop |
Special Assistant to the Secretary, Office of Public Engagement |
Carl Fillichio |
Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Public Affairs and Communications |
Gary Gates |
Member, Data Users Advisory Committee, Bureau of Labor Statistics |
Adrian Haro |
Speechwriter |
Charlotte Hayes |
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management |
Eric Kleiman |
Speechwriter, Office of Public Affairs |
Joshua R. Lamont |
Special Assistant, Office of Public Affairs |
Ana M. Ma |
Chief of Staff |
Kathy Martinez* |
Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy |
Mary Beth Maxwell |
Senior Advisor, Office of Policy |
Joe Henriquez McNearney |
Special Assistant, Office of the Secretary |
J. Todd Metcalf |
Deputy Director, Office of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers, Employment and Training Administration |
Dylan Orr |
Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy |
José Alberto Rodriguez |
Staff Assistant to the Secretary, Office of the Secretary |
Jason Surbey |
Special Assistant, Office of Public Affairs |
Livia Y. Lam |
Deputy Director, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs |
Department of State |
Daniel Baer |
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor |
Ethan Gelber |
Staff Assistant, Office of White House Liaison |
Carl C. H. Gray |
Special Assistant, Office of the Chief of Protocol |
David Huebner* |
Chief of Mission, New Zealand & Independent State of Samoa (U.S. Ambassador) |
David Kim |
Staff Assistant, Professional and Cultural Exchanges |
Mira Patel |
Policy Planning, Office of the Secretary |
Jason Rahlan |
Protocol Officer, Office of the Chief of Protocol |
Mark E. Walsh |
Deputy Chief of Protocol |
Department of the Interior |
J. Andrew Jackson |
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology, Information, and Business Services |
Jenny Sarabia |
Special Assistant for Advance, Office of the Secretary |
Mark Perriello |
White House Liaison |
Thomas Petrillo |
Special Assistant to the Director of Scheduling |
Constance L. Rogers |
Deputy Solicitor, Energy and Mineral Resources |
Department of the Treasury |
Leonardo Martinez-Diaz |
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Western Hemisphere |
Department of Transportation |
Camille Hazeur |
Director, Office of Civil Rights |
Kevin F. Thompson |
Associate Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration |
Orlando Gotay, Jr. |
Deputy Administrator, U.S. Maritime Administration |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
Raúl Perea-Henze* |
Assistant Secretary, Policy and Planning |
Commodity Futures Trading Commission |
Steven Adamske |
Director of Public Affairs |
Corporation for National and Community Service |
Kimberly Allman |
Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Relations |
Collin E. Burton |
Legislative Assistant, Office of Government Relations |
Environmental Protection Agency |
Heidi Ellis |
Senior Advisor, Office of External Affairs and Environmental Education, Office of the Administrator |
James Martin |
Regional Administrator, Region 8 |
Ryan M. Robison |
Deputy Director of Scheduling, Office of the Administrator |
Export-Import Bank |
Jonathan Cordone |
General Counsel |
Fred Hochberg* |
Chairman |
Thomas Lopach |
Senior Vice President, Congressional Affairs |
National Science Foundation |
Ainissa G. Ramirez |
Member, Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering |
Office of Management and Budget |
Jamal Brown |
Confidential Assistant |
Daniel Gordon* |
Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy |
Office of Personnel Management |
Vic Basile |
Senior Counselor to the Director |
John Berry* |
Director |
Matthew W. Collier |
Senior Advisor to the Director |
Elaine Kaplan |
General Counsel |
John Marble |
Strategic Communications Specialist, Office of Public Affairs |
Thomas Richards |
Deputy Director, Office of Congressional & Legislative Affairs |
Peace Corps |
David Medina |
Director, Office of Public Engagement |
Small Business Administration |
Eric D. Collins |
Member, Council on Underserved Communities |
Aditi Dussault |
Special Advisor, General Contracting and Business Development |
Brayden T. McCarthy |
Policy Advisor, Office of the Administrator |
Nathan Osburn |
Senior Speechwriter |
Jonathan Swain |
Assistant Administrator, Communications & Public Liaison |
Chris Chan |
Special Advisor, Office of Public Engagement |
United States Agency for International Development |
Lars Anderson |
Press Director |
Clay Doherty |
Deputy Director, Office of Public Engagement |
Claire Lucas |
Senior Advisor on Public Private Partnerships |
Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman |
Special Counsel to the Administrator |
Chloe Schwenke |
Senior Advisor on Democracy and Governance, Africa Bureau |
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness |
Jennifer Ho |
Deputy Director, Accountability Management |
Judiciary |
Marisa Demeo* |
Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia |
Jennifer Di Toro* |
Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia |
Edward DuMont** |
Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit |
Michael Walter Fitzgerald** |
Judge, United States District Court for the Central District of California |
Emily C. Hewitt |
Chief Justice, United States Court of Federal Claims |
Alison Nathan* |
Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York |
J. Paul Oetken* |
Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York |
Donna M. Ryu |
Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the Northern District of California |
Joseph H. Gale* |
Judge, United States Tax Court |
Albert Lauber** |
Judge, United States Tax Court |
Updated June 8, 2012
* Nominated and Senate-confirmed
** Nominated but not Senate-confirmed
*** One-year recess appointment: nominated but not Senate-confirmed
-“Señales de los tiempos” Muchas, por fecha
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