World directory of churches of Christ

Churches of Christ in the United States  Much material on many, many Bible subjects. Special emphasis on the defense of the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible.

Studies in the Bible and related subjects. Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site.

Alphabetical Index of Subjects



A work of churches of Christ

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This graphic of a highway ito to space disappearing in the distance among galaxies illustrate Index E of subject by Peace Publishers, in


Key words beginning with the letter…



Earth. Planet. Habitation of humans prepared by he Creator.

The tense flight of Starman to the First Orbit. The obligatory flight of the Soul-Spirit to the Frist Landing. Part 2 of the series: Flight of the Falcon Heavy; Flight of the Soul-Spirit. An analogy. Adaptable for classes, conferences or sermons. Ample text, with numerous points and applications. Includes an image (slide) in JPEG, with annotations on the sequence of graphics and texts. The Tesla car is the lustrous vehicle that Starman rides into space. Analogously, the physical body is the terrestrial vehicle by means of which the Soul-Spirit transports and manifest itself in the material world. Both perish in the material universe. Neither Starman nor a great number of human beings discern clearly the extremely important differences between their own natures and that of their respective vehicles. Some of these are pointed out and contrasted in this Analogy. Many humans conceive of themselves as animals, nothing more. The vision of Elon Musk and SpaceX goes far beyond just taking cargos into space. Space tourism. Colonization of planet Mars. God planned Earth to be humankind’s habitat. Does the obsession of some to leave Earth and establish outposts on other worlds contravene the plan and purpose of the Creator for humans? The ANGELS were assigned their own domain. Lucifer and his compatriots left it, with disastrous consequences. Judgement after death. Angels minister to those who inherit eternal life. Every Soul-Spirit has to ascend to the First Celestial Landing. Don’t PANIC! Every hour, 6,392 Souls-Spirits ascend to the First Landing. What happens there? Is your name listed in the Book of Life?


Benefits of Hurricanes, Floods, Tornados, Earthquakes and Similar Phenomena of Nature. Benefits? What “benefits?” Rather, terrible losses! Nevertheless, one or another benefit. They educate regarding where not to build dwelling places, urbanizations, businesses, factories, etc. About materials and techniques to be used to avoid so much loss of material resources and lives. Lessons for the poor of the world. Warnings and lessons for impresarios greedy for excessive gain. “Nature” and “Common Sense” are very effective, sensible teachers. Prudent men and women build on a rock-solid foundation; the foolish, on sand or earth, without a foundation. Benefits and punishments without respect of persons. Hurricane Harvey: Punishment on Texas and Houston for the elections of 2016? Or on Houston for having an aggressive lesbian mayor for years? Punishments and lessons for the good and the bad. After the blows of destructive natural phenomena… many blessings! Many lessons! After times of wrong-living… sickness… death… possibilities for great blessings! Fleeing from hurricanes. Fleeing from temptations. Cursing destructive natural phenomena or learning from them? They lead to a fork in the road of life, with three options requiring a supremely important decision. Different faces of nature’s destructive monsters. Prepare in time and for the worst! A new World free of destructive forces!

End times

The LAST DAY of TIME. Going out into the FUTURE and looking back at planet Earth in the 20th and 21st centuries. Composite image, followed by a text highlighting the benefits of transporting oneself, mentally and spiritually, to places and times of the past and the future. The author says: “I invite you to accompany me to an observation platform set up for us on the LAST DAY of TIME, with the purpose of identifying and analyzing Events and currents in the Earth of the 20th and 21st centuries.” The significance of the Seventh Angel near the platform, with his Seventh Trumpet. A fictitious scenario or future reality? Regarding prophetical projections: “Be careful, beloved friend, to not ridicule and reject prematurely, before obtaining the knowledge necessary for sound, wise judgements!” Of times and periods. How much time transpires between where we are in the 21st century and the very Last Day of Time? Can human beings lengthen or shorten it? The factors of mind set, attitudes and actions; rebellious incredulity or informed, positive convictions.

End of world. National Geographic discredits Christianity

Catastrophism -End of the World, Rapture, Wrath of God, Final Judgment. Four examples published by National Geographiconline, on the occasion of Harold Camping's prediction about May 21, 2011. Subtle Insinuations that all Christians are more or less like Camping and his followers. The huge injustice of lumping all Christians into one category and judging them by the most scatter brained, infantile and hypocritical. "Our commentary" follows each of the examples. "Hale-Boppalypse" -Tragedy in Los Angeles associated with the appearance of the Hale-Bogg comet in 1997. "Man-made Black Hole" -Some scientists feared The Large Hadron Collider might produce one that would consume the Earth.  "1666: Judgment by Fire" -The Great London Fire. The number 666 and the wrath of God. "Planetary Alignments: Doomsday Omens" -The conjunction of various planets, the sun and the moon in the year 2000. Predictions of disastrous effects on the Earth.  May 31, 2011. The original version of this study was in Spanish.


English British United Kingdom -Faith, atheism, secularization, in prophecy

The British approach to faith today: From indifference to open hostility. By Cal Thomas, of Fox News. Shameful public conduct of very many youth and adults in the United Kingdom. Drunk young people collapsed in streets and gutters, vomiting on the sidewalks. They are very likely to have no religion whatsoever. 71% of youth in the United Kingdom say they have no religion. BBC plans more coverage of religion to combat anti-Semitism and similar evils. David Aaronovitch, of The London Times, ridicules BBC. Astonishing impact of the 1904 Welsh Revival: crime and vices greatly reduced for a time, leaving police and judges without work. A new revival needed in the United Kingdom and America.

Ephesians 5:1-14. Ten slides.

Children of Light, Let Us Keep the Darkness at Bay! Analysis of Ephesians 5:1-14. Ten slides prepared in PowerPoint. Standard size slides (4:3). For a sermon, conference or classes. God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the divine Word are all light. Born of them, true Christians are children of light. Made up of them, the church true to the Lord is also to be light in the darkness of incredulity and immorality in the world. The church represented as a fantastic Spiritual Space Ship of Light. Its occupants to take care their Ship does not slip from its orbit in celestial places, falling into darkness. Shameful things of darkness not even to be mentioned among the children of light. These things identified as fornication, uncleanness, filthiness, covetousness, course jesting and foolish talking. These things defined. Shameful to speak of them, but multitudes do, even with shameless pride. Because of such things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Preachers, teachers and all Christians to surround themselves with the Protective Crystal Sphere of an Incorruptible Faith as they move among the children of disobedience with the purpose of lighting up minds and souls filled with darkness. Messages from the Owners of the Spiritual Space Ship for those in darkness. Transported from the power of darkness to the Kingdom of light. All these teachings illustrated with impressive graphics.


Ethic Judeo-Christian

Our culture is experiencing a hostile takeover. We must stop rejecting God if we ever want it to end. Article by Sam Sorbo that analyzes succinctly today’s all-out war by peoples who hate God and Christianity to overthrow the Judeo-Christian ethic, eliminate God and suppress all religion, substituting for them Darwinian evolution, the You Only Live Once dictum, integral intolerance against conservatives, the elevation of feelings above truth; position, power and auto gratification above the correct, decent, right, etc. Reasons and concerns that motivated Kevin and Sam Sorbo to produce the film Let there be LIGHT for those who are in darkness.

Evolution. Darwinian, taught in public schools

Our culture is experiencing a hostile takeover. We must stop rejecting God if we ever want it to end. Article by Sam Sorbo that analyzes succinctly today’s all-out war by peoples who hate God and Christianity to overthrow the Judeo-Christian ethic, eliminate God and suppress all religion, substituting for them Darwinian evolution, the You Only Live Once dictum, integral intolerance against conservatives, the elevation of feelings above truth; position, power and hedonistic auto gratification above the correct, decent, right, etc. Reasons and concerns that motivated Kevin and Sam Sorbo to produce the film Let there be LIGHT for those who are in darkness.


Our culture is experiencing a hostile takeover. We must stop rejecting God if we ever want it to end. Article by Sam Sorbo that analyzes succinctly today’s all-out war by peoples who hate God and Christianity to overthrow the Judeo-Christian ethic, eliminate God and suppress all religion, substituting for them Darwinian evolution, the You Only Live Once dictum, integral intolerance against conservatives, the elevation of feelings above truth (existentialism); position, power and auto gratification above the correct, decent, right, etc. Reasons and concerns that motivated Kevin and Sam Sorbo to produce the film Let there be LIGHT for those who are in darkness.


Terrifying Mass Murder in Las Vegas. “Pure evil?” But, “God is in control!” Is that so? Then, why did he not take action to avoid the killing of 58 people and the wounding of 527? Among 22,000 spectators at a musical show in Las Vegas, scenes of blood, screams of pain and horror, of hundreds of dead and wounded, of desperately running this way and that to escape from the bullets, or of valiantly remaining on the site to help victims. Minds without God: Stephen Paddock, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Pol Pot. Why does not God annihilate such evil ones before they act? Various reasons identified and analyzed. God has absolute control over his plan for humanity and the material universe. That plan includes ceding Satan and his agents on earth certain powers and allowing him to exercise them for specific purposes and limited times. Why? The suffering and premature death of innocents. Is God near people who vehemently reject him? Present on battle fields and places like Las Vegas? In the casinos of Las Vegas? How to have God not only near but also within. Secure and saved eternally! How to assure such an outcome.



Alphabetical Index of Subjects

Studies in the Bible and related subjects. Articles, tracts and Bible class guides. Slides for PowerPoint. PDF's. On this site.

World directory of churches of Christ

Churches of Christ in the United States  Much material on many, many Bible subjects. Special emphasis on the defense of the existence of God and the inspiration of the Bible.



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